View Full Version : Making phone calls

11-25-2014, 04:53 AM
I had to make an important phone call earlier to try to salvage some part of my education. I'm still shaking. I feel so horrible. I'm ashamed of having failed so many classes this semester because of anxiety.

Does anyone have any advice about anxiety about calling people on the phone. It's a big problem for me.

11-25-2014, 05:20 AM
Hi again. Yes I understand this one completely. The anticipation of making the call , the call itself and then the aftermath. It' can take so much out of you. I was told a little trick years ago when working in a govt office - when making a call and saying what you have to say- stand up. It sounds funny I know but it regulates breathing and gives your voice more confidence. And when u hang up? Leave the whole conversation behind u if u can. Write down the points you need to remember and do something else. Hope this helps.

11-25-2014, 07:40 AM
Yes, stand up.

Like so much of social anxiety the key to fixing it is to work on assertiveness.

Stand up, visualise the other person sitting down and small. Prepare a list of things to cover and there are quite a few good exercises you can practice to build assertiveness. Ask the other person to hold the line and put them on hold for a few seconds. Ask the other party to speak up a bit! If it's an incoming call, ask for a number and then call back when you are ready and prepared.

Practice telling people to piss off. Volunteer to take all the spam calls into the office and practice your put-downs. Be brutal. Have fun with it but above all practice building assertiveness.

11-26-2014, 08:11 AM
I've always hated using the phone, even as a small child I remember being terrified of it. I like writing things or being face-to-face - there's something I really dislike about just speaking to someone on the end of a phone line.

Standing up is a good idea. I walk around sometimes when I'm feeling uncomfortable on the phone. I used to have a couple of glasses of wine before making stressful calls but I don't recommend that :)

Bye for now,

11-27-2014, 10:29 AM
Your fear of calling someone can be cured because like any kind of fear or lets say that fear in general can only be overcome by doing the things that produces that fear. At the beginning it's very hard, trust me I know, I've been in the same situation you are and I have managed to overcome my fear of talking on the phone with strangers by making numerous phone calls to strangers on a daily basis.

Let me give you some examples of situations that you may try to stop this fear without making any harm: call to the customer center of your network provider to ask for some information, go online and call to some hotels or holiday resorts to ask about the conditions they have to offer and what offers they have on holidays and the list can go on and on. You get the point, make numerous phone calls and you will overcome your fear, is that simple!

Take care!

01-20-2015, 03:03 PM
Yes, yes, yes to the standing up trick! That has helped me many times over the years.