View Full Version : 99% sure something is seriously wrong

Jess Watkins
11-24-2014, 01:10 PM
Okay, I have been posting here earlier last week about the tingling sensations I have been experiencing. They have not gone away. Two days ago I could almost say they have gone away as I barely felt a tingle at all--I was so relieved. I even expressed my excitement to my family and was certain things would be getting better, that it isn't anything seriously wrong with me after all. Then, the next day, the tingling came back. I spoke too soon. ;)

It all began one night as I was going to bed, I was rubbing coconut oil on my hands because I have extremely dry and cracked hands during wintertime. Suddenly as I leaned back in bed I felt all these warm, almost electric tingles travel throughout my entire body. My torso, stomach, hands, feet, legs, calves. I felt like a jellyfish stung all of my body. It was the most extraordinary feeling. Scary nevertheless. I hoped it was from the coconut oil and went to sleep. Then next day, it was still there. But not as "intense" if that makes any sense.

So all week I have been tingling.

Then last Thursday night I had a bad vasovagal attack that made me feel like I was dying. My heart slowed down to 105/54 (I kept checking my blood pressure every ten minutes that night) and my hands and feet were sweating and cold. I got out of my bed and walked around and felt heavy like I couldn't move. I was so scared. I called an ambulance and they took my blood pressure and did an EKG and said I most likely had a vasovagal attack from hyperventilating. That following Friday I went to the doctor and he said it was all anxiety, the tingling and heart slowing down. He prescribed me Klonopin (which I am too scared to take) and said I should see a therapist.

Things were feeling much better after I saw my doctor. I was assured I was okay for the most part. Then last night I noticed I had weird nerve pain along with tingling in my toes, like it felt like someone pricked me with a needle. This happened to my fingers as well. Fears of MS or some serious neurological problem flooded my mind and I went to my phone and began to look up my symptoms again. I was doing so well at not consulting Dr. Google for three whole days, too. Here I am again back in fear-ville, terrified I am developing MS or ALS.

I should also add that I had horrible muscle twitching all over my body back in September, and this morning t has come back slightly but in my face. I am so scared. What if I wake up one day and am unable to move? What if I have ALS or MS?

11-24-2014, 02:33 PM
If you have anxiety and have been to the Dr I would be 99% sure that you're fine physically. I have had hyperventilation, chest pains, tingling in my arms, light headed, headache, neck ache, muscle spasms in arms and face, the list is long. The acariest thing for me is when I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was having a heart attack. Anxiety and our minds play some amazing yet horrible tricks on our bodys. Im sure others will chime in with some sage advice. Mine is to take their advice.
Also I recently found out that Passion Flower extract doe a great job at calming me, might do the same for you.

11-25-2014, 10:56 AM

It took me over 2 years to stop believing I had MS, ME or some other neurological disease. I went to the hospital for tests and it all came back fine, yet after a week I was back on Google trying to find something else I thought I had.

It went on and on until I realised that despite the fact I still felt terrible at times it hadn't got any worse and I was still alive and able to do what I needed to get by. I got to the point when I finally decided to stop looking and stop caring. If I had something, so what.........there wasn't anything I could do about it if I did. Either way, ill or not I might as well get on and enjoy life as best I could.

Of course, as soon as I gave up worrying and thinking about it I felt a whole lot better. Do I still have some of the weird symptoms from time to time? Yes. But I have enough time when I feel absolutely normal to know nothing is wrong. Stuff like that doesn't just come a go when it pleases. It's also clear I have the symptoms worse when I worried about something or am under stress.

It's anxiety, it's all it is. Your thoughts have got so strong and powerful they create the physical symptoms you are experiencing. The stress you are putting on your mind has to go somewhere.

Only you can make the choice to stop looking in to it and stop worrying and to focus on the important things in your life instead.

I really hope you do, because it's a great feeling.

Good luck
