View Full Version : Extreme muscle exhaustion PLS HELP

11-24-2014, 10:21 AM
I so I've been on here B4 and am v grateful for all of the support re anxiety.
For the last few days I am LITERALLY unable to do anything. I'm exhausted. And I dont mean tired or sleepy. I mean fatigued and exhausted physically to the point where I cannot get into shower without it being a major feat. My legs are killing me and I'm unable to do anything at all

I don't know what to do. I know there is a lot going on in my life right now besides the crippling anxiety disorder and anorexia- my mum has alzheimers/ my brother is having chemo for lung cancer and of course these wud b bad enough as it is for a healthy person to deal with. Has anyone ANYONE had anything like this crippling fatigued (head in hands) exhaustion??? Usually I can just get by (and I'm seeing a good team of medical people) but this is BAD AND REALLY SCARY. Never experienced this level of debilitation before.
Any help for anyone please??

11-24-2014, 11:17 AM
I think you should see a doctor. Could this be related to your anorexia? It might be psychological/due to anxiety and stress or it could be that there's something physical wrong. I've heard about eating disorders causing extreme muscle pain/an inability to move about, but don't take my word for it.

11-24-2014, 02:53 PM
Thanks for the reply "Myos"- iv never had three types of symptoms b4 and iv been "stable" in recovery so I just am at a loss :(

11-24-2014, 06:32 PM
Soooo I'm still here with no resolution still feel same. Exhaustion just won't lift. Thought about hospital but they don't know my history.

11-25-2014, 04:49 AM
I would go to the hospital Billash. Or at least ring someone, your gp/primary doctor? I have no clue where you are, but in my country they have after hour clinics that you can go to if it's not an emergency but a problem that needs to be looked at fairly soon.

Otherwise you should go to the hospital. I hope you feel better.

11-25-2014, 05:16 AM
Thanks for the reply. I'm seeing my team today so I'm guessing they'll know if it warrants investigation. I'm just so frightened as I didn't think id make it through last night as stupid as that might sound. Still feeling weak so I'm not driving to appointment. Thanks again. Will let u know how it goes.

11-25-2014, 07:38 PM
Just an update - saw therapist tiday who said its more than likely anxiety and anorexia ALL catching up with me. Getting bloods done tomorrow. Keep u posted in case anyone else ever gets this.

11-26-2014, 07:08 AM
I'm glad you've got a possible answer. I hope you feel better soon.

11-28-2014, 08:15 PM
I personally had a bout last year with anxiety and depression that was so debilitating. I've always had an anxity disorder but this stopped me in my tracks. I had no energy to do anything. My joints and muscles hurt all the time. It caused digestive problems and stomach pain. I began to feel like I was choking all the time. I know it was because I was super tense and stressed. CBT helped but when anxiety is bad it's to remember the things you learned to put you in more of a calm state.

11-29-2014, 10:58 AM
Thanks Myos and ctm.
Yes anxiety can be Sooo debilitating and extreme anxiety can leave your body literally exhausted. I'm hoping it's just that and maybe due to my weight (which I'm working really hard on for the first time).
Fingers crossed. I'll keep all posted as it may b relevant to someone someday here.
Thanks again.

11-29-2014, 10:59 AM
Ctmboy how are u now? Did it take long for u to get through that last year?

11-29-2014, 07:00 PM
Thanks Myos and ctm.
Yes anxiety can be Sooo debilitating and extreme anxiety can leave your body literally exhausted. I'm hoping it's just that and maybe due to my weight (which I'm working really hard on for the first time).
Fingers crossed. I'll keep all posted as it may b relevant to someone someday here.
Thanks again.

I really think my anxiety and depression are weather related. I noticed how down I was when I hurt the most. The pain escalated into digestion problems. The pain and fatigue started in late August and lasted until april. I went thru the winter feeling so down and emotional. It hurt to do things. I was a very good athlete growing up and am still in decent shape but it was so depressing and debilitating to feel that way. I went to a gastrointestinal doctor because the pains got severe in my stomach and felt like I couldn't swallow at all. Panic attacks were happening frequently in the car on my way to work. In April, I had an egd and colonoscopy. I thought for sure he would find something. Everything came back clear. I was disappointed but relieved at same time. I knew anxiety was causing all the problems. I felt better immediately after being cleared. I was still fatigued but I forced myself to work outside in the spring. I'm also vitamin d deficient and think being outside helped my levels. I had no aching anymore. Now that it's cold again in kansas I have low energy and fatigue. Not nearly as bad as last year because I knew anxiety was in the drivers seat. I have seasonal affective disorder. Once the warm weather is here I feel excited about life and want to challenge myself again. Staying busy puts anxiety in backseat. How long has your pains and fatigue been going on for? do you live in cold weather climates? Had your vitamin d checked?

11-29-2014, 07:26 PM
Hi ctmboy. That sounds really tough. Although I'm glad u seem to be really aware of where u need to be looking after yourself and at what times of year.
This total collapse into fatigue/exhaustion happened last Saturday. Up until then I'd been coasting along as tough as it was I just kept going. Abd that's what is so confusing - why did it happen so out of the blue and random? I've had bloods done and am waiting for results Monday. In the meantime I still havnt been able to do much. I can't stand for long and get really fatigued doing the slightest thing at home. I havnt seen the inside of my car in over a week (sooo not me!).
It seems even though I'm resting and eating well I'm still in a bad way.
Climate here in Ireland is cold and damp and at the moment it's dark days but thankfully I don't tend to suffer from SADs altho obviously I think it effects everyone at this time of year.
Thanks for the reply. I do hope u are doin ok man.