View Full Version : I just walked over a bunch of donations...

11-23-2014, 03:32 PM
Had to make myself go take a walk. So I threw out many old pairs of shoes, as I'm waiting on my new mail order shoes. Anyhow, I feel anxious but must make myself go outside and walk. The weather is beautiful today. Not a drop of rain or a hint of excessive heat.I feel better since I did a delayed Spring Closet Cleaning this morning. Now my closet has been vacuumed out and the hangers lightened up a tad. I still feel anxious though. There have been many earthquakes, and very big ones too, lately. Not just in the USA, but in places ALL over the world. Napa was 1 area hit by a 6.1? but there places in other countries that have recently had 7.0 and even worse. Our news stations aren't giving us all the facts though. I think they would be wasting way too much jet fuel in covering every place recently that has experienced a big quake. Are they natural or man made quakes? Could be some crazy leader of a country shooting off arrows into the sky and just being curious to see where they shake up the people. You know, like with various types of arms using imagery and Cold Fusion too. Remember, "The God's Must Be Crazy" film. Well its kind of a metaphor for a stupid zealot in charge of a little country with extra Long arms.