View Full Version : I feel tired of this...

11-22-2014, 09:29 PM
Hey gang

Long time since I've been on here. Unfortunately, I don't have good news. Winter is coming and with it comes anxiety. I feel once again like I'm in a mental prison. After all the sh*t I went through, am I back at step one? Or is this just a part of the healing process? I don't even know anymore.

I feel depressed and as I'm writing this, I'm having a panic attack. I'm tired, I feel exhausted. Mentally and physically, I feel as if I'm running 24/7. I'm fighting and struggling 24/7. When will this ever stop? Its like I'm holding up my guard constantly.

Everytime I do something, I have this sh*t in my mind. Whatever it is. It has come to a point where I don't enjoy anything, I can't. My anxiety is like a barrier between me and happiness. Though death is not the solution, it feels like it. Idk, i'm tired and I feel like I can't find a way out of this sh't.

I'm sorry for the negative energy. I hope you're doing better.


11-23-2014, 03:42 AM
Sorry to hear about this Elias. Don't let the negative feelings to get you, you are much stronger! The power to overcome anxiety is in your hands or better say in your brain (your mind). The mind is a very incredible thing, sometimes it can feel that we have no control over it, but we have. Find your control and use your mind to create useful thoughts, happy thoughts. Involve yourself in entertaining activities, the ones you enjoy the most. The best method to forget about anxiety is to create something new like painting, designing new things such as home interiors, houses, cars, space ships why not, anything you enjoy. When we create something new our mind is very busy and concentrate on the thing we are doing.

Remember life is a gift we don't afford to lose!

Take care!

11-23-2014, 06:39 AM
Cheer up old friend!!
We're here for you man.
It WILL all be ok....
Have a great day!

E-Man :)

11-23-2014, 06:51 AM
Hi Elias :)

Hang in there!

I can relate to this oh so well. Be kind to yourself and remember you aren't alone with these horrible feelings.

All the best,

11-23-2014, 07:25 PM
Thanks, really appreciate the kind words. It feels good to know that I 'm not alone with this shit.

11-23-2014, 08:46 PM
Thanks, really appreciate the kind words. It feels good to know that I 'm not alone with this shit.

Apply what we have discussed in your other thread. Whatever the trigger. Winter, trapped indoors, gloomy days, to practice those techniques. Don't brood now, just practice.. Some people don't understand, there is no greater endeavor than to work on the self, no matter the obstacles. Brick walls are psychologically symbolic of the challenges set forth. To overcome is creative and fulfilling.

So don't brood, you see, that stimulates the chemicals. Just practice. When not having an attack, and the mind is clear, work on your viewpoint toward problems, issues, life, dreams. Changing viewpoints is like changing glasses allowing other things to come into focus not otherwise seeable with old lenses. And that new viewpoint springs hope and encouragement, among other beneficial things, you see.

11-25-2014, 06:11 PM
You ar definitely not alone Elias............this whole seasonal thing is something that I have been struggling with for a while. I had the worst panic and anxiety struggle last winter; I thought I would never feel better; however, as the weather changed, my mood did also....I almost felt normal. As soon as October came, I could feel my mood change and the anxiety come back. I told myself the same things you are probably telling yourself; I can't do this anymore; I'm tired of this anxiety thing; I just started to feel better and bang....it's back. Even though I do feel this way, I learn alot each time I go through it.....I CAN change the way I perceive things as well as the way I react to my disturbing thoughts. I am 44 years old and have been dealing with this for 30+ years, and I am still learning how to control this. You will feel better again; we are all here to listen and help wherever we can.