View Full Version : How to Induce a Panic Attack for Fun

11-22-2014, 07:35 PM
For your entertainment pleasure, here are steps to induce a panic attack since we all know how fun they can be:

1) Create a stressful event in your life such as a really bad breakup, lose your job, get a divorce, any way to really take a toll on your nerves.

2) Due to such stress, allow your body to go to crap. Don't take care of yourself and really get your body really stressed out. Bonus points for extra alcohol consumption.

3) Feel results of that stress and start Googling symptoms.

4) When you come up with some bizarre disease you can't even pronounce, search that specific disease even deeper.

5) Realize you have 60% of the symptoms of that exotic disease and now Google every symptom.

6) Google until the symptoms start coming up worse.

7) Realize you are at such an advanced stage of the disease your body is probably going to die any second.

8) Realize how dire this situation is, and scream, "OH SHIT!" and pace around the room.

9) Now realize you can't breathe because you are dying and start to overbreathe. Really get your hyperventilation on and breathe as fast and hard as you can until you feel dizzy.

10) Now hopefully your heart is beating really fast from adrenaline and you are fully freaking out. Go look in the mirror and freak yourself out some more. Continue to breathe quicker and more until your hands get totally tingly.

11) Now go back to Googling all these new symptoms until you get to a heart attack website. Soon you should feel you are going insane.

12) Now focus on chest pains and hopefully the chest pains are strong at this point, and the fact that you can't breathe, since you were breathing so much, your body is trying to slow it down.

13) Call 5 ambulances from 5 different hospitals so they get there on time, and call that 1 safe friend to tell him to help you.

14) Safe friend doesn't answer the phone.

15) Go to www.anxietyforum.net and post "Help Me I'm Freaking Out"

11-23-2014, 01:01 AM
Lol ! Brilliant. If this doesn't deserve a sticky then nothing does.

11-23-2014, 03:02 AM
This is actually good you know... knowing how to induce a panic attack can also help in overcoming it. Is good to be amused from time to time :)

11-23-2014, 03:48 AM
Amazing! LOL

But seriously, knowing that and seeing the process in that manner makes me just not fear them as much.

11-23-2014, 04:25 AM
Imagine I have a little electric device here that will provide someone with a very mild, almost pleasant tingle of a shock. If you KNOW that's what it's going to do and you understand it, you can touch it and feel the tingle. And that's all it does.

If you hear the words "electric shock" and tense up and screw yourself up inside, and start sweating, and then jab your finger on to the device what's going to happen? You scream, panic, you imagine pain that's not there, you start hyperventilating etc. just like PanicCured described.

A small external stimulation that's otherwise harmless and potentially enjoyable turns into a massive internal response that takes over and blocks all your rational thinking.

Kaboom. Panic.

11-23-2014, 04:32 AM
Do you get even more bonus points for benzo addiction? I reckon I would totally win this ;)

11-23-2014, 06:47 AM
Lol ! Brilliant. If this doesn't deserve a sticky then nothing does.

Haha the stickies have gotten so out of hand, any more the entire first page will become a sticky.

11-23-2014, 06:51 AM
Everyone that has commented so far, understands the point of the post. Now do yourself a favor and bring on the biggest panic attack of your life. Woohooo here we go! Whoever gets the biggest one wins! I say go all the way until coma.

11-24-2014, 02:44 PM
Kind of like stepping on a nail on purpose. lol
I dont want to try this on purpose but I did catch myself on more than one occasion causing the attack. After the advice of PA and IM I was able to catch it and stop it on my own.
Im learning