View Full Version : I think I want to die

11-22-2014, 06:06 PM
I don't know what to do anymore.

I've not posted on here in so long, I've just been hiding. But everything hurts all the time. I can't see the point in anything because I just end up getting hurt or rejected or I'm not good enough. I live alone because I can't cope with having housemates, but I get so lonely. My friends done live near me & I can't tell them this stuff because any time I've tried, they make me feel even worse by telling me they knew I couldn't cope on my own. Turns out they're right.

Everything seems so bleak & I just keep thinking "what's the point anymore?"

11-22-2014, 06:28 PM
Get a dog?

Yours, not very helpful of Nottingham.

A bit more seriously though. Look after yourself. Call up a friend. Go visit maybe, make some plans, a holiday, a day trip to Blackpool. Ok, so maybe not that , but you can think of something I'm sure.

Don't wallow and ruminate.



11-22-2014, 11:45 PM
Call a national crisisline, they will help you by Listening and finding YOU a referral to a therapist who you will see as soon as possible. If you cannot wait, and feel like hurting yourself, then GO Directly to the Hospital ER Dept and they will have a THERAPIST on DUTY talk with you, and decide WHAT TREATMENT is best for you-IMMEDIATELY.

11-23-2014, 04:29 AM
Don't give up! Life is worth living! Find yourself a distraction, get in activities that makes you happy and don't let the panic and sadness get you. Maybe you like to paint, or sing, or create something new, whatever might be just go and do it. Go out with friends, do fun things now while you can, life is going by, will not wait for anyone, take advantage of live while you can, it will come a time when you can not do the things you want.

Take care!

11-23-2014, 05:42 AM
I don't know what to do anymore.

I've not posted on here in so long, I've just been hiding. But everything hurts all the time. I can't see the point in anything because I just end up getting hurt or rejected or I'm not good enough. I live alone because I can't cope with having housemates, but I get so lonely. My friends done live near me & I can't tell them this stuff because any time I've tried, they make me feel even worse by telling me they knew I couldn't cope on my own. Turns out they're right.

Everything seems so bleak & I just keep thinking "what's the point anymore?"

Just think - if you die there's no chance of things getting better (in this life) but if you stay alive there's a possibility.

Try and think of some good things in your life. Even simple things like the fact you have a roof over your head and food to eat - lots of people don't. You probably aren't in chronic pain. There is always someone worse off who would love to have what you do.

Hang in there :)