View Full Version : Worried il let myself and family down

11-22-2014, 03:39 PM
I am so worried that I will let down my family and myself from having anxiety. Iv started a new job. I'm desperate to earn some money and have a job and IV finally got one and today was my last day. And I struggled to get there my stomach was in knots the whole way. And I was happy when I left I had a good day. Since then iv had dinner and a bath and I feel sick! I'm petrified of being sick! And what if I'm sick tonight and can't do my shift tomorrow? And lose my job? Someone help me :(

11-22-2014, 05:11 PM
Oh dear.

Pooh and Piglet were walking through the woods.
"I'm scared Pooh", said Piglet. "Imagine what would happen if a tree fell on us!"
Pooh thought for a while, and scratched his head.
"But ahh, Piglet," Pooh said. "Imagine what would happen if it didn't."

Your problem is that of piglet. You're nervous and imagining the worst. We need you to summon your inner Pooh and imagine the best!
You're nervous because you're so piglet that you're not free to work on the little things that will make you less nervous. The preparation for tomorrow etc.

I had a big business meeting this week. I was nervous too. So I got in the car and drove the night before 80 miles to find the hotel where we were to meet. I checked out the parking, I took note of travel time. I even grabbed a copy of the menu so I could decide beforehand and be able to order decisively and without stress.

It went well because I had removed real problems from my genuine worry list. And not worked hard to add things to a piglet worry list.

What's on your genuine worry list that you can sort? Get your clothes ready, pack your lunch, and get thinking like Pooh. Please. Xxx pretty please.

11-23-2014, 03:51 AM
Before any negative thoughts rush in your mind, keep your mind occupied with positive ones. Think all the time about all the good things it will happen at work, how you finish your projects in time, how your boss is proud of you, how you will be promoted and how you will make your family proud.

Thinking about this all the time will prevent the negative thoughts to ruin your day. The best way for you to overcome anxiety is to replace your thoughts. This need a little bit of practice so don't give up if you don't see results right away, give it time.

Take care!

11-23-2014, 12:42 PM
How did it go littleone?

11-23-2014, 02:54 PM
How did it go littleone? thanks so much for what u said I read it before I left for work n I did struggle a bit but only because I was so hungry I felt sick and was scared I would throw up. But I didn't and had a pretty good day just tiring x

11-23-2014, 02:55 PM
Before any negative thoughts rush in your mind, keep your mind occupied with positive ones. Think all the time about all the good things it will happen at work, how you finish your projects in time, how your boss is proud of you, how you will be promoted and how you will make your family proud. Thinking about this all the time will prevent the negative thoughts to ruin your day. The best way for you to overcome anxiety is to replace your thoughts. This need a little bit of practice so don't give up if you don't see results right away, give it time. Take care! I wouldn't know where to start :( sounds difficult x

11-23-2014, 03:52 PM
thanks so much for what u said I read it before I left for work n I did struggle a bit but only because I was so hungry I felt sick and was scared I would throw up. But I didn't and had a pretty good day just tiring x

Glad you're ok. Treat yourself to a reward and next time remember to eat ;)

Well done.