View Full Version : i think i drank something in my sleep

11-22-2014, 08:58 AM
so last night i remember dreaming that i was drinking something and now i'm kinda worried that i could've drank something bad. I woke up about an hour ago and i feel fine. so i should have nothing to worry about right?

11-22-2014, 09:39 AM
What did you drink in your dream? If it was only water, juice, a beer maybe, than you have nothing to worry about. Are you a sleepwalker? Some people do walk and do strange things when they sleep. Ask someone in your house if you don't live alone if they saw or hear any strange noises while you were sleeping.

Take care!

11-22-2014, 09:47 AM
Dreams are not real. Worry ye not!

11-23-2014, 11:08 AM
i do sleepwalk sometimes and i'm really scared that im going to end up hurting myself or someone else while i'm sleepwalking

11-23-2014, 11:18 AM
Take precautions before going to sleep. Make sure there is nothing around you that can hurt you or anybody living with you. Also seek professional help so you can end this or at least keep it under control.