View Full Version : First Panic Attack Experiences?

11-22-2014, 06:20 AM
Hi! I was just wondering what everyones first panic attacks were like, and if they were similar at all.
Here's mine:
I was eleven, and at a rehersal for an opera I had a part in (Hansel and Gretel, I was playing Gretel.) It was a big show, and it was the dress rehearsal, so the whole cast was there including the junior group. We were in a room going through some of the songs with the juniors, and there was about 20 of us in there. I had no idea I had any form of anxiety back then, after all I had been a performer since I was 5!
I was in the middle of singing, and I started getting really dizzy. MY vision blurred from both sides, and start kind of merging. I was terrified, and had no clue what was happening. I started hyperventilating, this went on for abot 5 minutes after the song ended until we had started playing the next song and it was my solo so the everyone realised I wasnt singing. I couldn;t see at all at this point, everything was swirling and my hearing was all blury and I eventually blacked out.

After all that the show went fabulously, but yeah, that was my first and most frigtening anxiety experience.
best wishes, lara (15)