View Full Version : Hit my head on the ground with gravel on it

11-21-2014, 02:56 PM
I was at a bar drinking saturday night, i went to my truck to go home instead i called my wife to come get me because i'd had too much to drink. (smart right) well when she got there i got out of my truck which is pretty high off the ground and i fell straight back i remember it taking my breath away but i dont remember hitting my head. of course the next day my head was pounding because of the 10 shots of jack and 5 shots of 151 rum, on top of my daily 50mg of zoloft i take everynight. i went to the dr on tuesday she said everything was fine just if i got any worse to go to the ER. well today will make day number 6 and i still have a headache but its not bad i can remember everything and talk,walk and all motor skills are normal. is there any need to worry or is this just my anxiety making it into something that its not? thanks ahead of time

11-24-2014, 08:34 AM
Doesn't anyone have anything headache is still here 8 days later