View Full Version : Link between anxiety and ADHD?

11-21-2014, 10:05 AM
Just wondering if a link has been drawn between ADHD and anxiety. I have both and my 19 y/o son has ADHD and is showing many of the behaviors that led me to anxiety. I know that there is a link between ritalin and panic/OCD disorders.

11-22-2014, 05:51 AM
I have anxiety, and it basically looks like I have ADHD most of the time, because of the energy my thoughts give me i constantly fidget. I cant even hold a pen when I'm around people. My hands fling everywhere, and some of the time i behave manicly, (not thinking before i speak etc, shouting out). My mum got me stuff to fiddle with, but yeah.. Thats all I know about the link, bt i think it is definetely possible and wish more people would look into it! It would help me and probably your son too by the sound of it!
best wishes, lara (15)