View Full Version : Want to talk to people like me!!!

11-19-2014, 04:15 PM
I came on here because I want to know there are people out there like me. I'm 20 years old, female. I feel like such an old soul though and I don't have an inclination to become friends with people my age. I appreciate certain things in life that so many of my generation don't. I like to read and hike and I'm quiet and I like classic rock lol. My boyfriend is pressuring me to make friends but its really hard because growing up I was singled out and bullied. You'd never know it but it affects me everyday. I was taking lexapro to deal with anxiety but I stopped taking it because I live away at school and I'm to busy to get the rx refilled. I have klonopin and trazadone to help me sleep which I take on and off. I just want to talk to someone who feels the way I do and who I can share my story with and who will understand where I'm coming from. I always feel on the verge of a panic attack but I can talk myself out of it, although theres times where I feel like I'm about to float away. I have so much to share and I want to talk to someone who feels like they can have a real conversation with me and share their story as well.

11-20-2014, 08:34 AM
I came on here because I want to know there are people out there like me. I'm 20 years old, female. I feel like such an old soul though and I don't have an inclination to become friends with people my age. I appreciate certain things in life that so many of my generation don't. I like to read and hike and I'm quiet and I like classic rock lol. My boyfriend is pressuring me to make friends but its really hard because growing up I was singled out and bullied. You'd never know it but it affects me everyday. I was taking lexapro to deal with anxiety but I stopped taking it because I live away at school and I'm to busy to get the rx refilled. I have klonopin and trazadone to help me sleep which I take on and off. I just want to talk to someone who feels the way I do and who I can share my story with and who will understand where I'm coming from. I always feel on the verge of a panic attack but I can talk myself out of it, although theres times where I feel like I'm about to float away. I have so much to share and I want to talk to someone who feels like they can have a real conversation with me and share their story as well.

Hello there :)

Well I do know how you feel. I was formally diagnosed with anxiety and depression (Major Depression) at 19yo. I'm 41 now so it's a while ago lol, but I remember not wanting to do things my friends did at that age - mostly going out to nightclubs and stuff. I would've rather sat at home reading a book. I'm not nerdy, just introverted, and I find it exhausting being around people.

All the best,