View Full Version : Need To Swollow TO Breath!

07-10-2008, 06:03 PM
Hey all i dunno if this is my latest symptom but i hope it is... for the past month iv had trouble breathing and just lately iv noticed i have to swollow alot enable to breath ..sumtimes if i dont swollow its like i stop breathin for a few seconds and have to gasp for air...

this is really freaking me out its now 1.00 am and im seriously cosidering goin to the hospital

any1 else had sumthin simmeler?


07-12-2008, 03:23 AM
yeah dude i had that a few years ago and once you start u cant stop, it was all in my head, somes times i coudnt swallow prop and i felt like i was going to die it was horrible but as always it goes after a while once your find fogets about it..................i hate my brain, but if you are really worried it woudnt hurt going to the hospital they will check you over it might help take your mind off it a bit if they actually tell you it is only anxiety they might even give you some thing some valleum or something to relax, does it get worse the more anxious you get the more u worrie about it?????..........

07-13-2008, 09:14 PM
Yes i used to have this, it always felt like there was a lump in my throat, and that i was goin to suffocate. You just have to try to ignore it. you brain loves to play tricks on you, once you start thinking of something you cant stop.

07-14-2008, 06:43 AM
Yeah I get the same thing.. and because its your throat and your always using it.. once you get in that frame of mind it is really hard to stop it.. and you think your just gonna soon choke out and die or completely close up or something... The best thing to do is get a big bottle of water (to prove to yourself your eosophegus hasn't abandoned you... get some relaxing music and focus on your breathing... As soon as you pre occupy your self it will go away.

07-29-2008, 04:47 PM
I used to have that. Just take deep breathes it might go away fast. Mine did. feels like somthing is choking you. GET WELL.

08-01-2008, 03:32 PM
Yes, been there too my friend. Any difference in my breathing would send me off to panic mode. If I am breathing rapidly I'll say, "Oh man! I am going to freak out!!" One time in the car, I was really relaxed and my breathing and pulse was slow and steady. I thought, "Oh no! What if I stop breathing!!" I began to breathe faster to compensate for my slow breathing. It's kinda funny if you think about it.

About calling the hospital: I've felt that way hundreds of times. It was hot here in Chicago and I was sweating. I checked my temperature and it was 99.4. I was freaking out. I thought there was something really wrong with me. I was sooooooo close to calling an ambulance or have someone rush me to the emergency room. Truth is, a lot of people with anxiety check themselves into the hospital only to be released later on. :)

Hang in there,
-James (AOL Instant Message Me!!!!)