View Full Version : why???

11-18-2014, 09:13 AM
Hi guys. I've some sort of weird feeling right now. When i see someone like a passerby, i would think like "ahh he looks like bla bla bla" (i mean he looks like someone i know) and it happened several times, with different persons from my memories. The thing is, i've never thought or missing them before. Or sometimes i would go to some places and i would think "ahh this feeling like i've been feeling before when i was bla bla bla". Why i keep reminding the memories? Is it weird? Or it just me?

11-18-2014, 12:55 PM
Hi guys. I've some sort of weird feeling right now. When i see someone like a passerby, i would think like "ahh he looks like bla bla bla" (i mean he looks like someone i know) and it happened several times, with different persons from my memories. The thing is, i've never thought or missing them before. Or sometimes i would go to some places and i would think "ahh this feeling like i've been feeling before when i was bla bla bla". Why i keep reminding the memories? Is it weird? Or it just me?

It's not just you! I know what you mean. I have no explanation for this other than it's some subconscious thing - like when you dream about someone from your past even though you haven't been thinking about them. It seems to happen more when I'm mentally hazy, like anxious/depressed/tired..

11-18-2014, 01:02 PM
It's déjà vu,

It's a mental brain-fart. A cerebral screw-up.

It's a bit weird, but it's not you. About 60% of people report it and it declines in frequency with age. It's just another one of those evolutionary cock-ups that we've inherited like our goose-bumps, our bad backs, our ability to choke on food, hernias, bad feet, gout, colour-blindness .... Don't read anything into any of them, they're just things that "are".