View Full Version : Articles of self-help strategies to reduce anxiety

11-18-2014, 12:41 AM
Now, for my work I am doing research on a problem of anxiety, seeking for different effective methods of self-help. Now I read a lot of resources. I hope, some of articles I read will be beneficial for some of you. So I will make for them separate topic.

First is about yoga postures to reduce anxiety. Generally, yoga is very effective in calming your mind and making your body healthy. But there are some postures (asanas) which stimulate blood flow towards your head (reverse process happens during panic attack), stabilizes your breath and heartbeat and help to relax. These asanas are extremely helpful for reducing panic and anxiety.

Here is an article:


But remember! First you must seek not only for the way to reduce your anxiety and fear, but for the way to accept it, don't get involved in it, and let it go! Relaxation techniques, tended to reduce anxiety are good, but don't get attached to them!

11-20-2014, 12:06 AM
Panic Attack:

What You Fear The Most Cannot Happen
