View Full Version : If you are currently suffering and bewildered, trembling, or anxious - Read on :

11-17-2014, 06:36 AM
Here we have a question from a forum member as to why he feels as he does. Now, most of you are in the same boat, so to speak, either 'new' and confused as to what you feel, or maybe you have been bewildered for quite some time, long-suffering (as they term it). Either way, read on, and as knowledge and understanding are the first steps toward realization and 'health' so to speak, I present that to you all here.

It is in fact too bad my posts aren't stickied, because they would help so many. But we take what we can get in regards to helping any soul.

The question :


I'm not quite sure whats going on with me but over the past month or two (this has happened prior) ive had an over all light headed,scared,tired & nervous feeling. Sometimes it calms down but when im in certain situations it gets ALLOT worse. Its getting to the point now where thats all I think about and that makes it even worse. I went to the docs mainly because I ha d aa psychial and they think its just "stress" and did not seem to care to much about it. I feel like im really freaking out and its driving me nuts.. Its effecting my work,my marriage and life... Can someone help me or guide me on what the hell i need to do to fix this or atleast make it a little better.

that would be great.


To which we have the reply :

"To start.....Don't be so 'impressed' by how you feel. The physical symptoms normal under the given circumstances. Under the surface you have felt stress for quite some time, more than likely you have unresolved problems/issues that when lingering for a period, not only build emotionally, but sensitize the body. Creating a high state of alert, so to speak, even during the calm times of television, or relaxing. It is utter importance that you understand the physiological responses are NORMAL given the sensitization and the prolonged "brooding" over life issues that may seem beyond your control. Or sensitization could occur under a trauma such as surgery, sudden death, or a life change.

Becoming afraid of the state you are in is THE tragic pitfall of the onset of anxiety in a person (and the #1 diagnosis in the ER). Bewildered or confused by the state you are in adds a "second" fear upon the already sensitized nervous system, manifesting into what you would call anxiety disorder, a chronic state of bewilderment/sensitization and fear. Much like a circle. Doubt about the state you are in > worry >fear > bewilderment > second fear (fear upon fear) > release of chemicals (adrenals) > stimulation (tremors, stomach, palps, and so forth) -- And back to worry.

It is therfor important at the incipient stages to recognize ie. have understanding of what is happening, (natural response), and thus either work on the cause...(problems/trauma) that one has been avoiding or not fully facing, and at the same time not adding fear upon fear as discussed.

The way towards health, and im not saying you are "unhealthy", but we shall term it back to the you that you knew, is in acceptance. By acceptance you allow what you feel instead of cowering and tensing the body. Fighting against it, will only make it more intense, and that is why anxiety is so insidious. The kneejerk reaction is to fight or resist. It never occurs to the unsuspecting weary soul to allow his body to 'happen'. Whatever he may feel, and to sit and see it through by loosening the vice grip and accepting the physical status until it has run its course. Symbolically the body is releasing energies from an emotional state. Not the other way around.

Acceptance...Loosening of the body when you feel it tensing, not adding fear to fear even if your heart is thumping and you are feeling sick. You sit.... Accept.....loosen....and let it flow through you. Once the chemicals have passed through the body, yes, the effects of the 'attack' could last some days. Because the chemicals act upon the muscles and such one could feel ache, stomachy, and some mental effects (derealization, etc) Derealization is again 'natural' as the individual becomes obsessed with his internal workings and at the same time taking his gaze off of the outside world, thus the hazy, unreal feelings. Understanding in all cases is power as they say, 'knowledge', and that I give you here.

Now, in the middle periods inbetween 'attacks' (what you call down times, or a return to a somewhat 'normal' state of feeling when anxiety has calmed) you have the time to devote to understand the issues in your life through self-examination and healing if necessary. Your world view may be colored in such a way where you need a third party to come in and change that viewpoint by showing you a new way, a new outlook that you could agree with. This is belief work, you see.

Now anxiety becomes chronic when fear builds upon fear immobilizing the individual, restricting activity, and thus agoraphobia could set in along with depression which is no more than a healthy reaction to the mental state of despondency or powerlessness to overcome what is in front of him.

Understand also, that you may feel your old self for days, or even weeks or months inbetween what we call anxiety 'attacks'. This calm or lull may fool you into thinking you are fully recovered. Creating a heightened despondent and bewildered reaction when they do happen. These setbacks are ofcourse natural as one works and keeps working to desensitize the body and restore the mind. So time is involved in healing in all cases, being generous with ones self to allow things to become right again, you see. Not to rush or become impatient, or even curt with ones self in times of setbacks, not to feel all hope yet again is indeed lost, but to show love and caring to you, by having patience to see it through. No matter the duration.

What do humans think their purpose is ? So many have given thought to it. When thy main purpose is thought itself you see. So thy true purpose is illusive. And hidden until the individual soul is ready in his/her life. One of the main human purposes across the board now, is to learn to think aright. If your thinking is clear, unfettered by false beliefs and erroneous concepts of the self, than your life will reflect that, to the degree one feels joy, self-love. Meaningful and fulfilling work and relationships. The environment will reflect how you feel, all-ways. Your intimate environment displays the contents of your mind faithfully. So all that is needed is to look around you for clues as to how you are doing. Now since the environment includes physical objects, your body is part of it and warrants the same attention. The body is a measure of current thought in the context of clarity. And since the connection to the body is felt intimately it can be said that it is a most marvelous learning tool.

I have given you a good start here. Print it/ reread it several times, until intuitively you know where to go next on your journey.

jon mike
11-17-2014, 12:37 PM
Here we have a question from a forum member as to why he feels as he does. Now, most of you are in the same boat, so to speak, either 'new' and confused as to what you feel, or maybe you have been bewildered for quite some time, long-suffering (as they term it). Either way, read on, and as knowledge and understanding are the first steps toward realization and 'health' so to speak, I present that to you all here.

It is in fact too bad my posts aren't stickied, because they would help so many. But we take what we can get in regards to helping any soul.

The question :


I'm not quite sure whats going on with me but over the past month or two (this has happened prior) ive had an over all light headed,scared,tired & nervous feeling. Sometimes it calms down but when im in certain situations it gets ALLOT worse. Its getting to the point now where thats all I think about and that makes it even worse. I went to the docs mainly because I ha d aa psychial and they think its just "stress" and did not seem to care to much about it. I feel like im really freaking out and its driving me nuts.. Its effecting my work,my marriage and life... Can someone help me or guide me on what the hell i need to do to fix this or atleast make it a little better.

that would be great.


To which we have the reply :

"To start.....Don't be so 'impressed' by how you feel. The physical symptoms normal under the given circumstances. Under the surface you have felt stress for quite some time, more than likely you have unresolved problems/issues that when lingering for a period, not only build emotionally, but sensitize the body. Creating a high state of alert, so to speak, even during the calm times of television, or relaxing. It is utter importance that you understand the physiological responses are NORMAL given the sensitization and the prolonged "brooding" over life issues that may seem beyond your control. Or sensitization could occur under a trauma such as surgery, sudden death, or a life change.

Becoming afraid of the state you are in is THE tragic pitfall of the onset of anxiety in a person (and the #1 diagnosis in the ER). Bewildered or confused by the state you are in adds a "second" fear upon the already sensitized nervous system, manifesting into what you would call anxiety disorder, a chronic state of bewilderment/sensitization and fear. Much like a circle. Doubt about the state you are in > worry >fear > bewilderment > second fear (fear upon fear) > release of chemicals (adrenals) > stimulation (tremors, stomach, palps, and so forth) -- And back to worry.

It is therfor important at the incipient stages to recognize ie. have understanding of what is happening, (natural response), and thus either work on the cause...(problems/trauma) that one has been avoiding or not fully facing, and at the same time not adding fear upon fear as discussed.

The way towards health, and im not saying you are "unhealthy", but we shall term it back to the you that you knew, is in acceptance. By acceptance you allow what you feel instead of cowering and tensing the body. Fighting against it, will only make it more intense, and that is why anxiety is so insidious. The kneejerk reaction is to fight or resist. It never occurs to the unsuspecting weary soul to allow his body to 'happen'. Whatever he may feel, and to sit and see it through by loosening the vice grip and accepting the physical status until it has run its course. Symbolically the body is releasing energies from an emotional state. Not the other way around.

Acceptance...Loosening of the body when you feel it tensing, not adding fear to fear even if your heart is thumping and you are feeling sick. You sit.... Accept.....loosen....and let it flow through you. Once the chemicals have passed through the body, yes, the effects of the 'attack' could last some days. Because the chemicals act upon the muscles and such one could feel ache, stomachy, and some mental effects (derealization, etc) Derealization is again 'natural' as the individual becomes obsessed with his internal workings and at the same time taking his gaze off of the outside world, thus the hazy, unreal feelings. Understanding in all cases is power as they say, 'knowledge', and that I give you here.

Now, in the middle periods inbetween 'attacks' (what you call down times, or a return to a somewhat 'normal' state of feeling when anxiety has calmed) you have the time to devote to understand the issues in your life through self-examination and healing if necessary. Your world view may be colored in such a way where you need a third party to come in and change that viewpoint by showing you a new way, a new outlook that you could agree with. This is belief work, you see.

Now anxiety becomes chronic when fear builds upon fear immobilizing the individual, restricting activity, and thus agoraphobia could set in along with depression which is no more than a healthy reaction to the mental state of despondency or powerlessness to overcome what is in front of him.

Understand also, that you may feel your old self for days, or even weeks or months inbetween what we call anxiety 'attacks'. This calm or lull may fool you into thinking you are fully recovered. Creating a heightened despondent and bewildered reaction when they do happen. These setbacks are ofcourse natural as one works and keeps working to desensitize the body and restore the mind. So time is involved in healing in all cases, being generous with ones self to allow things to become right again, you see. Not to rush or become impatient, or even curt with ones self in times of setbacks, not to feel all hope yet again is indeed lost, but to show love and caring to you, by having patience to see it through. No matter the duration.

What do humans think their purpose is ? So many have given thought to it. When thy main purpose is thought itself you see. So thy true purpose is illusive. And hidden until the individual soul is ready in his/her life. One of the main human purposes across the board now, is to learn to think aright. If your thinking is clear, unfettered by false beliefs and erroneous concepts of the self, than your life will reflect that, to the degree one feels joy, self-love. Meaningful and fulfilling work and relationships. The environment will reflect how you feel, all-ways. Your intimate environment displays the contents of your mind faithfully. So all that is needed is to look around you for clues as to how you are doing. Now since the environment includes physical objects, your body is part of it and warrants the same attention. The body is a measure of current thought in the context of clarity. And since the connection to the body is felt intimately it can be said that it is a most marvelous learning tool.

I have given you a good start here. Print it/ reread it several times, until intuitively you know where to go next on your journey.

some good advice here if you like reading stereo instructions

jon mike
11-17-2014, 02:09 PM
some good advice here if you like reading stereo instructions

I meant to put a smiley face in the end of that as it
Wasn't meant to sound so harsh :-)
Actually good little read

11-18-2014, 01:05 PM
Im-Suffering: I tried to PM you but I can't because it says your inbox is full..


11-18-2014, 01:41 PM
Im-Suffering: I tried to PM you but I can't because it says your inbox is full..


Should be some free space now.

11-21-2014, 09:41 AM

Back on topic OP, let me know if it helps, and/or you are able to understand it. (anyone)

11-21-2014, 09:52 AM
I understand it. Wise words.
Reminds me of a Youtube video maker called "infinite waters - diving deep", heard of him?

11-21-2014, 10:09 AM
I understand it. Wise words.
Reminds me of a Youtube video maker called "infinite waters - diving deep", heard of him?

I cant recall. Ill shoot over there later on and have a look.

11-21-2014, 11:11 AM
I cant recall. Ill shoot over there later on and have a look.

http://www.ralphsmart.com/ In case you can't find it.