View Full Version : desperate - my own worst enemy

11-16-2014, 06:34 PM
I am at my limits. Dealing with anxiety since a young age.

I am 39 with a family and run a very successful corporation as ceo. Stress and anxiety has surfaced again but in a way I am struggling to deal with.

Scared of medication so I won't take any my psych is wanting me to take. I am turning into a extreme hypochondriac. Everything is making me sick and I can't see it's just the anxiety. Although I do have some hormone issues (testosterone and questionable adrenals) My life is spiraling out of control. Feel like I am heading down the path of Howard Hughes. I fear everything. I feel medications are going to make me dependent and the withdraws will be horrible.

I have had this anxiety before at this level when my sister died. Now my Dad past away 3 years ago and I am thinking the same crap is hitting me again.

There are times when I get so angry that I push through the anxiety just to know I have not completely given up, but at the same time I have bouts of extreme anger outbursts that scare my wife. Non are directed at them, but for example today I was trying to cook after not eating all day or drinking anything. Blood-sugar out of whack. I ended up burning myself by accident and then went ape sh!t on a towel drawer near me. Ripping it out and smashing it on the floor. I never do this, but today I just snapped.

I had this food allergy testing done a couple years ago and it showed I am sensitive to a lot of foods. Ever since then, I am scared to eat much except the same crap every day. Nutrition is getting to be a concern. I can't tell if its the food making me feel bad or anxiety.

I really don't know whats wrong with me. I am scared. I want to get better. I want to take medication. I want to be able to make choices and not be ruled by anxiety. I want to travel and experience life.

11-16-2014, 07:59 PM
Gee? Sounds really nerve racking?

11-17-2014, 01:38 AM

it's a shit place to be.

i think you do know what's wrong with you. Really. If you don't then finding out may be the best start.

It's not terminal and you can sort it out, but it is YOU who is going to have to do it.

Tell your right-hand person at work that you won't be in for a week because you need a holiday. Get down to the library or book shop, buy all their books on CBT, take them home, put your feet up, relax, and get reading and learning.

I'm sure you'll be on top of it very soon.

You can sort it.