View Full Version : Reverse engineering your anxiety - Understanding the process - help for your nerves

11-15-2014, 10:25 AM
A simple formula here that may help you understand the process of anxiety as a disorder. It always with no exceptions begins with a problem and ends with a problem. This problem is either termed 'unsolvable' or avoided by the individual. The pattern then begins from bewilderment and confusion, along with a sense of personal power stripped from underneath you, at the mercy of a larger undetectable issue with dire consequences. At least it is seen that way to the observer.

As a child the problem may be 'I'm bad and unlovable'. As an adult you may have financial, relationship, family problems that to you seem insurmountable and always come with imaginative ideas of dire consequence. "I may lose my house', 'I will be homeless' 'my spouse will surely leave me' and so forth. Each of you have the task because of anxiety, to examine your own mind and progress. The anxiety acting as a springboard to self examination. Thus you may say anxiety disorder is healthy.

The formula (read it slowly now and pause in between each >):

Unsolvable problem > Doubt > Worry > Fear > Brooding > Time passes > confidence dimishes > Brooding > Bodily reactions that symbolize the mental framework (beginnings of anxiety as a disorder) > Fear of the Bodily reactions > ER > Brooding over original problem > No (conscious) link made between original problem and now anxiety disorder (palps, breathing, stomach, dizzy) (sufferer blames fate/self/beliefs/virus/outside attack/or some inherent disorder/imbalance) > Outer world focus diminishes because of fear of the body (derealization) > Body becomes Sensitized and overly anxious where any trigger sets an attack > Original problem is forgotten in lieu of how one feels, preoccupation with disease and the body occurs > Brooding > Original problem still exists > Despondency (ie: depression) > powerless > another problem > avoidance >(now return to the beginning, 'doubt'.

The cycle repeats itself until one learns the lesson. (that it is in your power to solve your problems, or to change how you view them'. It is indeed your view that is so often distorted.

I do hope whomever reads his will take it slow and sit back for reflection. I understand most of you are caught up in the 'omg moments' 'my heart is so fast, I can't breath, what if'. So bookmark this page and come back to it. The first step towards becoming 'you' again is understanding.

One only needs to understand the equation that is so predictable, you see.

11-15-2014, 01:45 PM
Wow. You really do understand anxiety disorder.

I am understanding anxiety (most) because of you too.

I can look back on my life and actually see this cycle.
Thank you.

11-15-2014, 07:50 PM
A simple formula here that may help you understand the process of anxiety as a disorder. It always with no exceptions begins with a problem and ends with a problem. This problem is either termed 'unsolvable' or avoided by the individual. The pattern then begins from bewilderment and confusion, along with a sense of personal power stripped from underneath you, at the mercy of a larger undetectable issue with dire consequences. At least it is seen that way to the observer.

As a child the problem may be 'I'm bad and unlovable'. As an adult you may have financial, relationship, family problems that to you seem insurmountable and always come with imaginative ideas of dire consequence. "I may lose my house', 'I will be homeless' 'my spouse will surely leave me' and so forth. Each of you have the task because of anxiety, to examine your own mind and progress. The anxiety acting as a springboard to self examination. Thus you may say anxiety disorder is healthy.

The formula (read it slowly now and pause in between each >):

Unsolvable problem > Doubt > Worry > Fear > Brooding > Time passes > confidence dimishes > Brooding > Bodily reactions that symbolize the mental framework (beginnings of anxiety as a disorder) > Fear of the Bodily reactions > ER > Brooding over original problem > No (conscious) link made between original problem and now anxiety disorder (palps, breathing, stomach, dizzy) (sufferer blames fate/self/beliefs/virus/outside attack/or some inherent disorder/imbalance) > Outer world focus diminishes because of fear of the body (derealization) > Body becomes Sensitized and overly anxious where any trigger sets an attack > Original problem is forgotten in lieu of how one feels, preoccupation with disease and the body occurs > Brooding > Original problem still exists > Despondency (ie: depression) > powerless > another problem > avoidance >(now return to the beginning, 'doubt'.

The cycle repeats itself until one learns the lesson. (that it is in your power to solve your problems, or to change how you view them'. It is indeed your view that is so often distorted.

I do hope whomever reads his will take it slow and sit back for reflection. I understand most of you are caught up in the 'omg moments' 'my heart is so fast, I can't breath, what if'. So bookmark this page and come back to it. The first step towards becoming 'you' again is understanding.

One only needs to understand the equation that is so predictable, you see.

This is excellent! I am always impressed by the time and effort you take when writing your posts!
- Dr. Dan