View Full Version : Fear of NOT being smart Enough

11-14-2014, 05:01 PM
or NOT measuring up to the STATUS QUE.....

I have always had to try extra hard just to make,B's in school. This has never really been easy for me. I suffered from a head injury at age 4.5 yrs of age. Ever since then I have had to try extra hard in school.

Well I have also suffered for most of my life from school anxiety. However, instead of staying home and becoming truant, I always made sure that I never missed even 1 day of Jr or Sr High School. I never even received a pat on the shoulder over my perfect attendance.

Anyhow, by the time I got to college I was very anxious about school, and of making it through college.

When I wasn't in class or doing independent research, I was in the lavatory, making peace with the latrine. I did not eat a lot and exercised much in between classes with PE or college free time in the gym. I did not resemble Jane Fonda or Richard Simmons either. I had to work very hard at just being average body weight for a gal who was 5'7.

Between attendance, grades, and body weight, my anxiety was very high during all my school years. It's interesting how I made a parallel connection to feeling at ease in the restrooms between classes and over crowded cafeterias. I am not suprised as to why during college so many high achieving students become possessed by eating disorders. Mine was mild compard to say Karen Carpenter or some other famous name with an ED???

Now I live on a tight budget so my ED is more of a NOS ED than a hard core, barforama, 10 x a day gig. I mainly feel anxious at meal times when eating around crowds, and at formal receptions. otherwise, I seldom go out to eat very often.

My anxiety is directed at the scale in that I really am trying to drop 1 dress size. It's like the most difficult endeavor for me currently. I have almost an entire wardrobe in 1 or 2 sizes less than my current sized. So every morning when I must get dressed for work I feel anxious over what I must wear, because I don't fit in anything that I am really happy wearing.

So, at meal times I mainly focus on eating a lot of veggies, wheat rice and brown breads. Food seems quite boring to me. Yet I become dizzy if I skip meals. So at work I usually eat a wheat tortilla and drink protein shakes. I cant eat a regular meal in just 30 minutes of lunch time break, plus too stressed, and anxious at work to eat right between classes and lunch and more classes.