View Full Version : Just hit 21 :/

Charles Price
11-13-2014, 11:43 PM
I hit 21 November the 7th I feel life passing my by so quickly...should I feel old? is 21 a great age to be?

11-14-2014, 02:25 AM
It is a great age. It's the age I had my nervous breakdown, which sucked. I never got to live that year to the fullest, but still, it was nice being YOUNG, young.

I believe age is a state of mind. I know that's corny, but I do feel that way. The people who are 'young' are the ones having so much fun they don't think about their age. The ones who are old, mentally or physically, are the ones not up to much, wondering where it all went wrong.

Get busy, have some fun. Master a new skill. It'll make you feel better. The unlived life is more scary than getting old.

11-14-2014, 03:19 AM
Happy belated birthday Charles. Like every time in your life it's just what you make of it.

Personally I wouldn't want to go back there. Like jessed03 I was bad, bad when I was 21.

That was the time of the big recession in the late 80's for me. My first business had boomed and then crashed. I had to lay all my staff off the week before Christmas and I had to go through the christmas fortnight knowing I was in deep poo as soon as the new year started.

I broke down completely and things got very, very bleak and black. I spent time in hospital and when I came out it was hard picking myself back up and several years before I was able to find any real confidence again.

11-14-2014, 05:33 AM
Hmm well 21 isn't old. If I could go back to that age I'd enjoy not worrying so much about health. At 41 you have to start taking responsibility :( well it's a good idea to be responsible when you're younger but some of us take a while to learn..