View Full Version : Just need someone to talk to about this :(

11-13-2014, 08:06 PM
My anxiety has been really horrible lately and I can't function the way I used to. My panic attacks are getting worse and more frequent, even at home when I'm usually relaxed and content. I've always had a lot of stress in my life but it's never affected me in this way before and I don't know if I should see someone about it or continue to cope with it. Every day is extremely hard for me to get through and it's exhausting to have panic attack after panic attack and not know why it's happening or when it'll ever end. I feel like I'm dying and I don't know how to calm myself down, I don't eat as much as I used to and I never have an appetite. I was just feeling very down and I wanted someone to talk to or just some moral support, so thanks for reading.

11-13-2014, 08:33 PM
Hey girl! I feel the same. Try seeing a counselor. I did that a while ago and it really helped. Sometimes they understand better what you're going thru then your own family or friends..

11-13-2014, 08:50 PM
I think you should go see your doctor. Have you ever taken meds for your anxiety? I know exactly how you feel and it can be so scary. I hope things get better for you soon.

11-13-2014, 09:26 PM
I think you should go see your doctor. Have you ever taken meds for your anxiety? I know exactly how you feel and it can be so scary. I hope things get better for you soon.

I agree, it's probably time to talk with your doctor. There's only so long you can suffer before it's time to take another course of action, be it therapy or meds.

11-14-2014, 09:28 PM
I've experienced something similar. At one point my anxiety go so bad that I didn't even feel comfortable in my own home, which is awful because it feels like you have nowhere to go to find comfort.

First of all, know that it's perfectly okay to feel this way. Millions of people experience the same thing - some are just good at hiding it.

Something that works well for me is putting all your attention on your breath and simply noticing it as it enters and leaves your nostrils (or your abdomen, or whatever part of the breathing you can focus best on). If you experience anxiety-inducing thoughts, just let them be. Observe them occurring and don't try to fight them - they will leave on their own. Trying to suppress the thoughts will only feed your anxiety. It's okay if your mind wanders away from your breath, simply observe that happening and bring it gently back to your breathing every time.

Talking about it helps A LOT. Talk about what's causing you stress with someone you trust - someone you can be completely honest with and someone who will listen. Honesty is huge here. It's best to completely open up to vent all of your emotions. A counselor would be great for this, but I find that family is just as helpful.

Accept the situation for what it is. I know that's hard because it's so painful and uncomfortable and exhausting, and you probably wish things were different and you didn't have this anxiety, but that's just the way things are for now. You are this way now for a reason, and you will emerge from it a stronger person. And I emphasize for now because it won't last. I promise it won't last.

I really hope it gets better for you soon.

Rube Goldberg
11-15-2014, 12:00 AM
I've experienced something similar. At one point my anxiety go so bad that I didn't even feel comfortable in my own home, which is awful because it feels like you have nowhere to go to find comfort.

First of all, know that it's perfectly okay to feel this way. Millions of people experience the same thing - some are just good at hiding it.

Something that works well for me is putting all your attention on your breath and simply noticing it as it enters and leaves your nostrils (or your abdomen, or whatever part of the breathing you can focus best on). If you experience anxiety-inducing thoughts, just let them be. Observe them occurring and don't try to fight them - they will leave on their own. Trying to suppress the thoughts will only feed your anxiety. It's okay if your mind wanders away from your breath, simply observe that happening and bring it gently back to your breathing every time.

Talking about it helps A LOT. Talk about what's causing you stress with someone you trust - someone you can be completely honest with and someone who will listen. Honesty is huge here. It's best to completely open up to vent all of your emotions. A counselor would be great for this, but I find that family is just as helpful.

Accept the situation for what it is. I know that's hard because it's so painful and uncomfortable and exhausting, and you probably wish things were different and you didn't have this anxiety, but that's just the way things are for now. You are this way now for a reason, and you will emerge from it a stronger person. And I emphasize for now because it won't last. I promise it won't last.

I really hope it gets better for you soon.

This. Nathan95 is 100% right. Seriously.

jon mike
11-15-2014, 08:04 AM
nathan95 is right, in my mind this is the only way to deal with anxiety and if you follow that guide it will go, there are also very good anxiety apps you can get for your phone, i use them all the time, meditation is also something to consider all dependant on whether or not its your thing x

11-15-2014, 10:59 AM
nathan95 is right, in my mind this is the only way to deal with anxiety and if you follow that guide it will go, there are also very good anxiety apps you can get for your phone, i use them all the time, meditation is also something to consider all dependant on whether or not its your thing x

Which apps do you use?

jon mike
11-15-2014, 11:24 AM
Which apps do you use?

there is loads but i like to use mindfulness daily, its pretty good, relaxes me