View Full Version : In a Fog

11-13-2014, 07:45 PM
Hey All, im BRAND new to this forum. I would like to share an experience and see if anyone can relate. Basically, a couple of my childhood friends came to visit me and we had a alcohol-filled weekend. I drink A LOT of water throughout the night when im drinking so I wake up with no hangovers. Anyways, I havent drank since Saturday night and this whole week I have been in a fog. Its hard to explain, no aches or headaches or any of that, just very spacey, I feel as though I am neither here nor there. I went to the doctor last couple days for bloodwork and tests and everything came back FINE. However, i am still loopy. I have a great job but it can be stressful from time to time. I have been taking Zoloft for 10 years and I havent felt this way pretty much ever. My sister in law and even the doctor believes this might not have been caused by the alcohol but perhaps my medication has reached a tolerance. Im not dizzy or lightheaded just spacey.. its hard to explain... Tomorrow I am meeting with a psychiatrist after about 10 years give or take and get evaluated. I was just curious to know if anyone can relate, is this some sort of anxiety feeling that coincidentally happened the weekend after I drank? Maybe something sparked it? Again, everything is going well in life, I just am fidgety and come off as anxious. The doctors said medically I was fine so im not sure whats going on... Anyone? =)

11-13-2014, 08:01 PM
Hmm. Were you concerned at the time? Did those feelings scare you?

11-13-2014, 09:20 PM
Hmm. Were you concerned at the time? Did those feelings scare you?

I wouldn't say concerned or scared, im still a bit foggy was just trying to see if this was related to anxiety of some sort, since everything medically checked out fine on the surface level... I wish i could explain the feeling in more depth. Its dwindling away though day after day. Was just curious to know if anyone has experienced anything like this. Thanks.

jon mike
11-15-2014, 08:12 AM
sounds like derealisation to me, nothing to be concerned about if it didnt scare you, a perfectly normal part of the brain, it basically occurs when people go past
a breaking point of anxiety, its an evolutionary trait, thousands of years ago you might have been prey for an animal, derealisation kind of puts you in a fog or ''somewhere else'' to reduce your agony of being eaten alive, grim i know, but true :) stay calm and it will pass