View Full Version : Just looking for support & understanding

11-12-2014, 07:22 PM
Hi my name is Jessica & I'm new to this anxiety forum. I'm 18 years old & have just recently started experiencing anxiety attacks and just general anxiety. After having one awful anxiety attack that started this cycle, I've been constantly worried about my health and what not. It started with my vision going weird for about a week. I was so worried about it and how spaced out I was feeling that I went to the hospital and had test done & all was fine. My vision is back to normal for the most part now, but I have been experiencing heart palpations and general chest aches & it's so hard to convince myself that it's my anxiety. Ive had headaches, kneck aches, chest pains, vision problems and everything in between. I know that these are know anxiety symptoms but they still worry me. I hate having to go to bed because I feel like I sit there waiting for another palpitation or pain that will send me into another attack. Just wondering if anyone else has felt this way or experienced this. Im a very positive, active & healthy person, but having this anxiety is making it all so difficult.

11-12-2014, 07:32 PM
i've been having a similar experience lately too. i've been having tension headaches for more than a month to where it feels like spikes are going into the back of my head, making me constantly worry about my brain, which is, Not Fun. sometimes i feel like the anxiety will literally kill me even though it obviously hasn't all the other times i've experienced it. so you're definitely not alone.

11-12-2014, 07:36 PM
I get those too. I sometimes feel so trapped in my own body with the scary aches & pains. I'm just trying to stay positive and realize that the symptoms don't mean I have an awful disease or something. But thank you for letting me know I'm not alone. Hope things get better for you.

11-12-2014, 07:42 PM
Hi Jessica.. I can just tell you that I've been there and it DOES GET BETTER. I am 37 now, but I started getting full blown panic attached when I was 17. I had no idea what they were. It engulfed my life quite a while. My advice would be to stay on these boards so you can truly start to see that there are A LOT of people who are going through what you are, many people with the same fears that you have. There are many ways to get through it.. and you will find your way. Granted I am back here now, because I am having another bout, but I have had MANY more good years than bad, and I will get through this one also... I was married, have two beautiful kids.. I couldn't have imagined that back when I was 17. I was certain that it would never get better.. but it did.. it gets better.. Each time it gets easier.. you learn more, you sort of know what to expect.. :)

11-12-2014, 07:42 PM
i feel trapped too, i can't even properly distract myself without worrying about every little sensation in my body. on the bright side i'm going to be starting some therapy soon so i think it'll help me in the long run. i hope things get better for you soon too!

11-12-2014, 07:50 PM
Hey Jessica, many of the symptoms sound like Anxiety symptoms. If you have not gone to the the doctor to check and get a good bill of health. If you have...then most likely it is the anxiety. The issue at hand is you have "convinced" yourself almost hypnotized your subconscious to think something is wrong and you need to deprogram it.

I love hypnotherapy and guided imagery. lately though I have tried Dahila's meditation methods and found them quite relaxing and fun.

Here are a couple of links you can try if you like,



Bunny & Kelly if you want to try them too! It really helps when the mind wonders....It kind of gets you to focus on something else!

11-12-2014, 09:01 PM
Hi Jessica.. I can just tell you that I've been there and it DOES GET BETTER. I am 37 now, but I started getting full blown panic attached when I was 17. I had no idea what they were. It engulfed my life quite a while. My advice would be to stay on these boards so you can truly start to see that there are A LOT of people who are going through what you are, many people with the same fears that you have. There are many ways to get through it.. and you will find your way. Granted I am back here now, because I am having another bout, but I have had MANY more good years than bad, and I will get through this one also... I was married, have two beautiful kids.. I couldn't have imagined that back when I was 17. I was certain that it would never get better.. but it did.. it gets better.. Each time it gets easier.. you learn more, you sort of know what to expect.. :)

Thankyou so much! Your kind and supportive words really helped alot.

11-12-2014, 09:02 PM
Thankyou for the advice! I'll look into that for sure

11-19-2014, 12:21 PM
Just don't think too much. You will feel better. Take medication if needed like butalbital apap for headache particularly tension headache. You can also divert your attention to things around you that will make you happy.

Know more: blog.ezbuyrx.com