View Full Version : Future

11-12-2014, 04:25 PM
I am in the last year of school, Gcse's are fast approaching and I just feel so unprepared. My mind feels numb most of the time. I take in so little information at school, my mind is somewhere else.
I feel like I am ruining my future. But just, don't know how to control it.
My work, coursework, is a total mess, I did manage to get an A somehow in biology, but apart from that I am digressing.
I have exams in a few weeks, but I find it so hard to revise, my focus is just non-existent!
My anxiety has improved, but worry about my GCSE'S in particular have severely worsened. Any advise?

11-12-2014, 08:15 PM
trust that you will get through it. While I don't have advice.. I do wish you luck!

11-13-2014, 11:17 AM
trust that you will get through it. While I don't have advice.. I do wish you luck!

Thank you Kelly

11-13-2014, 11:19 AM
Any advise?

11-13-2014, 11:37 AM
trust that you will get through it.

While I don't have advice..

I do wish you luck!

This is just beautiful. But you need to break it down :

Trust. Period. You will get through it. Period.

"While I don't have advise" .. You just intuitively offered the best advice. KellyMN needs to recognize her own worth, value, and trust herself.

"I do wish you luck" - Now she has sent you her energy for your journey and answered your prayers with comfort, blessings, and...Love :)

A man can move his arms (end result of intent), but he is not conscious of the millions of minute manipulations and calculations necessary to do so. In that context KellyMN acted naturally, utterly herself, and in the process of doing that helped you, BUT....because of beliefs denied she did it or had anything of value at the same time.

There is more to life than the eye can see.

My advice to you Joe? Read between the lines.

11-13-2014, 11:52 AM
I see!

Trust is what I have lacked.
So with full trust, the future would seem brighter, easier and more exiting?

You can see I am not thinking lately ;)

Thanks you both

11-13-2014, 12:03 PM
I am in the last year of school, Gcse's are fast approaching and I just feel so unprepared. My mind feels numb most of the time. I take in so little information at school, my mind is somewhere else.
I feel like I am ruining my future. But just, don't know how to control it.
My work, coursework, is a total mess, I did manage to get an A somehow in biology, but apart from that I am digressing.
I have exams in a few weeks, but I find it so hard to revise, my focus is just non-existent!
My anxiety has improved, but worry about my GCSE'S in particular have severely worsened. Any advise?

Joe! You made it this far......Imagine how far you can keep pushing your self in the future! I will echo the trust factor. You have it in you, you just dont know it yet. Look at it this way, you are on your last year right? Now imagine 3 years ago when you first started....did you imagine you would finish? Now you are almost done! How exciting is that. Then 10 years from now you will laugh and realize wow I made it 10 years past my graduation LOL

Is scary going out to the unknown, but be confident in your knowledge that you have obtained and will obtain. Secondly have confidence in your own Tenacity that you have to keep improving and moving forward! You are doing it and doing it well every day!!! Keep it up!

11-13-2014, 12:07 PM
I see!

Trust is what I have lacked.
So with full trust, the future would seem brighter, easier and more exiting?

You can see I am not thinking lately ;)

Thanks you both

To add with what Exactice suggests, I have an exercise.

Listen. You cannot just say "I trust !" if your beliefs are the opposite. But.....

You can practice trusting for 30 days, like a child practicing piano, he just has to get those notes right (or no ice cream). Play a game where you say "for 30 days I will trust, in people, in outcomes that benefit me, in my abilities, in life, in love, in the universe, everything will be allright. I will trust what I can control, and some of the problems I cant I will let go and trust that however it works out will be in my highest regard" ..."I will do this for 30 days knowing im not fooling myself, but rather a game, and if I should build more trust, great, if not nothing lost."

You see there is no failure there, and no fooling the psyche with empty affirmations.

**Accompany the words with imagination as you picture yourself in experiences that reinforce trust. Completing tasks, school, friendships, good things happening, etc.

11-13-2014, 12:16 PM
Joe! You made it this far......Imagine how far you can keep pushing your self in the future! I will echo the trust factor. You have it in you, you just dont know it yet. Look at it this way, you are on your last year right? Now imagine 3 years ago when you first started....did you imagine you would finish? Now you are almost done! How exciting is that. Then 10 years from now you will laugh and realize wow I made it 10 years past my graduation LOL

Is scary going out to the unknown, but be confident in your knowledge that you have obtained and will obtain. Secondly have confidence in your own Tenacity that you have to keep improving and moving forward! You are doing it and doing it well every day!!! Keep it up!

Thanks. Very motivating.

11-13-2014, 12:18 PM
To add with what Exactice suggests, I have an exercise.

Listen. You cannot just say "I trust !" if your beliefs are the opposite. But.....

You can practice trusting for 30 days, like a child practicing piano, he just has to get those notes right (or no ice cream). Play a game where you say "for 30 days I will trust, in people, in outcomes that benefit me, in my abilities, in life, in love, in the universe, everything will be allright. I will trust what I can control, and some of the problems I cant I will let go and trust that however it works out will be in my highest regard" ..."I will do this for 30 days knowing im not fooling myself, but rather a game, and if I should build more trust, great, if not nothing lost."

You see there is no failure there, and no fooling the psyche with empty affirmations.

I'll try this! You're right, I can't fail, self improvement isn't failing.
Great way of thinking

11-13-2014, 12:23 PM
I'll try this! You're right, I can't fail, self improvement isn't failing.
Great way of thinking

And I edited/added

**Accompany the words with imagination as you picture yourself in experiences that reinforce trust (feeling them emotionally in your mind). Completing tasks, school (happiness), friendships, good things happening, etc.

Picturing your life is important :)

11-13-2014, 12:33 PM
Do you ever dream of something, perhaps an item like a tv, and it makes you feel happy. You see it on your wall, you picture how you will watch it and with whom. You have the money, so you just go with the flow an allow it to move through your though processes without restriction. then you let it go, maybe you give 10 minutes a day to it.

Couple of weeks, months later, you have your shiny sparkling new tv on your wall and your watching it with friends, happy. And I tell you the exact tv you were dreaming of is the one you have, and the store would have one just for you in the back even among a popular sale. The salesman would say "Gee I thought we were for sure sold out, this is so popular, but look ! Theres one hidden in the back behind some clothing racks" Magic !


Now creation is as simple as that, period..

If you would have said "I wish I had this tv, but I haven't the money or I really don't deserve it, or my parents told me I squander my money, or a fool and his money are soon parted, or its too big or too small or , or, or or or..."

You delay the natural process or forgo it entirely, once again:


Now lets take anxiety with the above example, or trust :

What do you expect? Are there negative beliefs associated, or can you just say:

"Yea, anxiety will be gone in a few days, I shall not have it any more"

You see...I hope my analogies are not lost because they are sometimes :) good ones.

11-13-2014, 05:39 PM
Hi joe. I am in a similar situation. I have an exam next Saturday. I've just completed my undergrad and trying to get my designation.

I have insane anxiety regarding school. It has gotten so bad I suffer a stressed induced stroke.