View Full Version : I'm a humanist and all, but...

11-12-2014, 01:39 PM
I know intellectually that everyone matters and that this includes me. But all the same, I FEEL like I don't matter, except to the extent that I'm a bit player in some other more important person's life. I feel like my emotions are ultimately meaningless and like I shouldn't even really have feelings, because why should anything I experience be significant? It sounds extremely neurotic and melodramatic when you explicitly say that, and of course it is, but I can't shake the notion even though I know better. I'm embarrassed to be myself and to be so vulnerable, and I feel small and pathetic. I don't feel unlovable to EVERYONE, but I do feel that way to the people whose love or appreciation I want the most. I view certain other people as if they were the protagonists of their own stories and their thoughts and experiences and opinions mattered and were good and approve-able, whereas mine just exist and aren't worthy of anything other than the blanket compassion all humans deserve. I know I need to be able to relate to myself more positively before I just privately destroy myself emotionally, but I don't know how. It makes me cry when I think about how much I just want to feel lovable and competent and worthy, and how much I just don't measure up to that.

11-12-2014, 05:06 PM
Life is profound; and one of the reasons it's profound is because we're profound beings. Becoming like other people is not necessarily going to make you happier. You're profound in your own individual way. You have certain traits and gifts that are unique to you and it would be a shame for you not to use them. Your concerns and emotions are just as relevant as anyone else's; that's one of the reasons this is a public forum rather than a private one.