View Full Version : Should I see a fortune teller/ clairvoyant for my anxiety?

11-12-2014, 12:14 PM
My story please read, you will never believe it :(

I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and a lot of bad luck. I'm just an unlucky guy I guess. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It's not just everyday things but life changing things that ruin my enjoyment of life and fuel my anxiety, agoraphobia and panic.

Here's a list of my rotten luck:

2009- my sister ruins our family skiing holiday with her nasty bad moods. anxiety gets worse, quit my job. My grandfather dies.

2010- anxiety becomes panic attacks. Because of they way my sister ruined the ski holiday in 2009 we decide to go Tunisia next year. That opened one hell if a Pandora's box, that would ruin my life!

2011- my sister gets married to an unpleasant person she met on holiday.

2012- just as my anxiety is getting better, my sister is pregnant. Anxiety back again. My uncle dies and leaves me nothing on his will despite saying he would. I'm investigated for welfare fraud despite having done nothing wrong. My sisters husband moves in. My sister despises me.

2013- sister has baby, now 6 people are living in our family home because my parents are too soft to say no. My panic attacks get more frequent. My sister treats me like garbage. Later that year my sister ruins my Xmas saying she wants us all to move to some dump 400 miles away my parents agree with her.

2014- family goes on holiday, my sisters horrible husband stays behind. Keeps me awake until 4am each morning, I complain at him he tells my sister who hates me even more. I'm afraid to say anything incase my sister is horrible to me and her parents always side with her and her horrible husband.
Parents go on holiday 4 times thus year leaving me home alone which makes my agoraphobia worse. I get investigated for welfare fraud AGAIN despite having done nothing wrong. I'm left home alone for 3 weeks. I have panic attack and nearly faint.

(In my view He is NOT my brother in law and never ever will be! I want nothing to do with him! I hate him more than my sister hates me)

In addition little things never go right. Open a cupboard and everything will fall out. Go in garden and it will start to rain etc. I just seem to be living life from one crisis to another. Even in one day its like opening and envelope every few hours for my next unpleasant challenge. :(

The situation at home is just a worsening problem, I can't relax, its bad news everyday. Nothing good ever happens to me. I can't tackle my anxiety, agoraphobia etc until my home life gets better, which it will never. That means I will never find a job as I have no confidence. I just feel trapped.
The only way out is if I win the lottery or get cancer or something.

Should I see a fortune teller? Or clairvoyant ?

11-12-2014, 12:17 PM
I do not think she should see a fortune teller, I think you should change your story... Think about the good things that have happend to you instead of the bad. learn from the experiences that you've been through and do something good with them. I understand bad luck, but if you spin things.. ocassionally you can make them a positive.

11-12-2014, 02:20 PM
There's a clairvoyant on this forum I think, "I'm suffering". If you want a useful placebo ;)

But changing how you think about the past would be useful, look into cbt

11-12-2014, 08:30 PM
There's a clairvoyant on this forum I think, "I'm suffering". If you want a useful placebo ;)

But changing how you think about the past would be useful, look into cbt

At first I thought Im-Suffering was selling a product. Then I found out he was a clairvoyant. It made sense. He speaks in such an authoritative tone. Anyway, if you're reading this, I don't mean to talk about you behind your back, IS!

OP, he seems on the money with his readings of people and situations. I'd give him a message before paying a random person. He'd probably have some insight on your situation that would be far more practical. We like keeping it in the family, here. :)

11-12-2014, 09:46 PM
Hi there..

The problem is we think this stuff doesn't happen to other people but it does. Everybody has some awful situation in their life if you get to know them well enough.

I say go for it with the clairvoyant though :)