View Full Version : Good Morning All

11-12-2014, 09:11 AM
Good Morning All,
I am new here, but very thankful to find this site. I have recently started getting a lot of anxiety and panic after years of going without. I am very familiar with them, and I thought I had 'cured' myself of them. The last several weeks have been tough! I've seen my family doc, I've seen my therapist and just last week I finally say my psych that I saw way back when... He prescribed me the same meds that I was on then also (I've tried many). Medication is something that definitely triggers my anxiety, I get worries about taking them.. I took one of them for the first time last night. Of course one of the symptoms is increased anxiety... I am just hoping to have people to talk me through the anxiety periods. I KNOW (think) that this is anxiety and it will eventually get better, but I of course as all of us anxiety people do.. have the twinge of doubt that perpetuates the anxiety. :( :( ugh.
Thanks for listening.
I thought I was done with this :(