View Full Version : Severe Tension??

11-11-2014, 07:19 PM
hello!! i've lurked around here for a long time but it's my first time posting. i've dealt w general anxiety/anxious episodes that last weeks for most of my life, and usually they are accompanied by a whole big range of physical side effects.

basically my anxiety spiked incredibly hard about 3 days ago, and since then i've felt increasingly more tense in my neck and head everyday to the point i feel so wound up i think something inside me will just burst.
even if i can push away the irrational thoughts of impending doom, the tension in my body makes me remember my fears again & again. i'm going to the doctor's tomorrow but i feel like i can't even last till then. doesn't help that i'm worried about my high blood pressure either. anyone have any tips on relieving some of the tension?

11-11-2014, 09:36 PM
hhhhhh my heart is beating really fast and i just want to sleep but i cant

11-14-2014, 10:17 PM
Have you ever tried progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery? Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle in the body one at a time until all the muscles are relaxed. I have found that when I feel anxious this distracts me and takes my anxiety level down. Guided imagery involves imagining a relaxing environment complete with what you hear, see, smell etc. My favorite places to use are the beach and the forest. This has also helped me reduce some of the anxiety and tension that I feel.

11-14-2014, 11:20 PM
Have you ever tried progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery? Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle in the body one at a time until all the muscles are relaxed. I have found that when I feel anxious this distracts me and takes my anxiety level down. Guided imagery involves imagining a relaxing environment complete with what you hear, see, smell etc. My favorite places to use are the beach and the forest. This has also helped me reduce some of the anxiety and tension that I feel.

ooh yeah i haven't really tried those things but i will now, thanks!!

11-15-2014, 01:31 AM
The physical pain anxiety/stress causes is unbearable at points. I used it as an escape from my thoughts, if only for a moment. I was too concerned with the tremendous amount of pain to worry about anything all. My entire body locks up -- head down, shoulders into neck, hunched over, stomach muscles clenched, legs constantly shaking. I was sore for weeks after my initial attack.
My pain is much less now. I believe you just learn to cope with it differently.
Hope you find some relief soon.

11-15-2014, 03:06 AM
ooh yeah i haven't really tried those things but i will now, thanks!!

You'll find it works. With practice you can go from that awful tension of a panic attack to totally relaxed in just seconds. A lot of the time we don't realise that we are tense. Learning to feel your muscles and being able to allow them to relax puts you in control.

I do the same as superchick22684 every day. At least once a day, or whenever necessary I'll spend time on that warm and sunny and safe beach to totally relax and if I'm in a stressful situation I make a point of examining my shoulders or legs to make sure I can feel that wonderful pull of gravity on them.

If you can't feel gravity pulling your shoulders down then they're tense. Learning how to relax is the very first step to beating anxiety. It should be on every school curriculum because nobody ever routinely teaches it.