View Full Version : Was I misdiagnosed?

11-11-2014, 05:12 PM
I went to the ER twice and they told me both times its anxiety, but I can't accept this answer as I have never experienced anything like this, came to this forum to see if anyone experienced in anxiety can tell me if this sounds like anxiety or something more serious...

Last Wednesday at work (I do service work so drive a van a big part of the day), I had a long drive and on the way back around 10am (about 30 minutes into it) I started getting really short of breath, then I started feeling really weird and faint/dizzy, this progressed the rest of the day and started getting some chest pains. I left work a little early around 2pm, feeling really faint still and short of breath, my heart beats didn't feel normal to me either... Went home and tried to sleep it off (boy was that VERY difficult, I finally fell asleep in a very uncomfortable position on my side but was the only way I could lay that I could breathe ok enough to sleep.). Thursday comes by and I call out of work and spend most of the day inside, I still had trouble breathing, but the lightheadedness was come and go like every hour, night came and I had a slightly better time sleeping but still very difficult, if I tried laying on my back my body would kind of feel jittery and breathing would be even worse, along with chest pain around my heart. Friday morning comes and I wake up feeling good like it passed, headed off to work and half way to work I started feeling the shortness of breath and faint again, run to the ER they hook me upto EKG, blood tests, xrays, everything showed up normal, they told me I have anxiety and shoved me out the door.... shortly after leaving the hospital late friday morning I felt amazing, I even went for a run, came home and felt 100% normal, night came and sleep was almost back the normal.. Saturday was the same, breathing was almost normal, still felt some heart/chest discomfort but otherwise felt like I won the lottery... Sunday went great, then around 5pm I started getting really faint and dizzy again with the shortness of breath, this time it really scared me so I went to the ER, same thing EKG, even more blood tests, and they monitored me for 2 hours... I felt faint and breathing was really bad in those 2 hours, the doctor came in and again the just said I had anxiety and sent me out the door. I tried fasting all day Monday with just water, no caffeine or anything, that didnt help at all, today (tuesday) I feel exactly the same.

I REALLY don't see how this could be anxiety, I use to have really bad social anxiety that almost went away completely, I know that feeling and know that this is not even similar.

Forgot to mention, I am a 28 year old male.

11-11-2014, 06:31 PM
See what the results of your blood tests are, they might tell you something. I know I have vitamin D deficiency and I'm 90% sure that contributes to how I'm feeling.

Anxiety can have a variety of symptoms so what you experienced "could" be anxiety based on some of those symptoms, but it's not certain. Mine is more physical anxiety that I "feel" but it's not so much cognitive. Social, general or other anxiety disorders may show themselves in different ways to people. See a real doctor as soon as you can if you are able.