View Full Version : Attempting Vitamin D Cure, Need advice!

11-11-2014, 03:38 PM
Hi guys. After reading some stories of how some people had their anxiety cured once they got their vitamin d levels back up to normal I considered how much it could really help me.

If it wasn't for my school having vitamin D results in their blood tests I would never have known that I'm very low in vitamin D (17 on the scale). It makes sense because I often spend way too much inside on the computer and it has probably gradually become more and more deficient over time. It also makes sense because my anxiety kind of just sprang out of nowhere and I even have it when I'm safe in my room. Panic attacks, disoriented, lethargic, spacey, reclusive....

Right now I am planning to take 6,0000 IU a day for a few months and then get another blood test to check my levels. Upon recommendations I have also heard that vitamin D sucks up a lot of magnesium so, being worried about my magnesium amount I bought some chelated 300 mg magnesium. My main question is about this. At 6,000 IU units a day, how much magnesium do I need to supplement each day? Is just the 300 mg each day okay?

I'm also getting vitamin K2 which is supposed to help with the direction of calcium to bones and not arteries. Whatever helps...Other than that I plan to take a general multivitamin everyday as well.

Any other recommendations for this is greatly appreciated. I already have some cammomile tea, have been practicing breathing excercises, and am on zanax and zoloft to help me pull through while I get my vitamin D back up to normal. I'm so disappointed that many doctors do not seem to check this on blood tests.

11-12-2014, 11:11 PM
17 is very very low. 6000 a day should be okay for a few months. Check thevitamindcouncil.org for all the info you need. I think thats the website. As far as mag goes 300mg a day is fine. I think the RDA is 400mg. Chealted is good. Sounds like you've done your homework. If your into natural remedies check out a book called The Mood Cure by Julia Ross.

11-13-2014, 06:30 AM
17 is very very low. 6000 a day should be okay for a few months. Check thevitamindcouncil.org for all the info you need. I think thats the website. As far as mag goes 300mg a day is fine. I think the RDA is 400mg. Chealted is good. Sounds like you've done your homework. If your into natural remedies check out a book called The Mood Cure by Julia Ross.

Thanks for your response! It indeed is very low!!! I've heard of other people's levels being even lower than mine and having even WORSE panic problems. So yeah, getting this sorted out can only help me! Yep I'm planning to take 6000 -8000 iu a day. (My other general multi ads a bit over the 6000) and I just bought some chelated magnesium. Unfortunately it was the "trick" kind where some of it is magnesium oxide and you don't know how much is the chelated kind. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm most certainly into mostly natural cures because I'm seeing more and more of our society throw pills at a problem to treat the symptoms but not the underlying condition. I already am feeling better now that I feel some vitamin D is getting into my system.

11-13-2014, 10:43 AM
It's great that your school picked up on that. Low vitamin D is an epidemic! I used to pray mind was low, so that I could take some supps and find relief. No such luck, haha.

I have no doubt you'll benefit a lot from D therapy. Is there any way you can get blood done in a few months time to see if your levels are improving? Your doctor has to OK that given that your levels are low. Starting on that kind of magnesium may not be the worst thing in the world. Some find it to upset their gastro-tract at first. You can just build up as you go.

Here's to feeling better, man!

11-13-2014, 03:54 PM
It's great that your school picked up on that. Low vitamin D is an epidemic! I used to pray mind was low, so that I could take some supps and find relief. No such luck, haha.

I have no doubt you'll benefit a lot from D therapy. Is there any way you can get blood done in a few months time to see if your levels are improving? Your doctor has to OK that given that your levels are low. Starting on that kind of magnesium may not be the worst thing in the world. Some find it to upset their gastro-tract at first. You can just build up as you go.

Here's to feeling better, man!

Yes I am going to get my levels checked again in a few months. Some gastro-tract bloating but i hear more of the issue is runny stool,s we shall see.

11-13-2014, 07:12 PM
Hi guys. After reading some stories of how some people had their anxiety cured once they got their vitamin d levels back up to normal I considered how much it could really help me.

If it wasn't for my school having vitamin D results in their blood tests I would never have known that I'm very low in vitamin D (17 on the scale). It makes sense because I often spend way too much inside on the computer and it has probably gradually become more and more deficient over time. It also makes sense because my anxiety kind of just sprang out of nowhere and I even have it when I'm safe in my room. Panic attacks, disoriented, lethargic, spacey, reclusive....

Right now I am planning to take 6,0000 IU a day for a few months and then get another blood test to check my levels. Upon recommendations I have also heard that vitamin D sucks up a lot of magnesium so, being worried about my magnesium amount I bought some chelated 300 mg magnesium. My main question is about this. At 6,000 IU units a day, how much magnesium do I need to supplement each day? Is just the 300 mg each day okay?

I'm also getting vitamin K2 which is supposed to help with the direction of calcium to bones and not arteries. Whatever helps...Other than that I plan to take a general multivitamin everyday as well.

Any other recommendations for this is greatly appreciated. I already have some cammomile tea, have been practicing breathing excercises, and am on zanax and zoloft to help me pull through while I get my vitamin D back up to normal. I'm so disappointed that many doctors do not seem to check this on blood tests.

I'm a huge Vitamin D guy. Basically, the sun turns cholesterol on your skin to Vitamin D 3 which goes to your liver and changes into a form that gets converted in your kidneys to the form of Vitamin D your body uses. Vitamin D is involved in so many biological functions, that it is more a hormone than a vitamin. There is even research showing autism involves processes Vitamin is used for.

I can go on and on about Vitamin D, but I'll just say a few things about it. The Vitamin D3 you take in a pill NOT VITAMIN d2, is as if you bipassed the sun part. Its the same thing! Depending on how far north or south of the equator, what time of day and what season and what skin tone you have will determine how much Vitamin D you can get. You can get 20,000 from the sun alone in the right situation. Please research this a bit. Some people will say it si dangerous but that do not know what they are talking about. I don;t see how 3000- 5000 IU of a Vitamin D3 pill can be dangerous when you can get that in the sun naturally. But or me, if I do get the right amount of Vitamin D from sun, I won't take the pill. I take 3000- 5000 a day if I do not achieve it though the sun.

With regards to anxiety, Vitamin D is absolutely 100% crucial in anxiety treatment, but I doubt it will clear it all up. Anxiety you will always wrap back to the psychological and behavior aspect and there is no way getting around that. But the nervous system is set at a high state of alert and needs healing, as well as yoru brain and for general health, getting your Vitamin D levels to normal or even better, is a must!

Take Magnesium Glycinate 400 to 800 MG per day when you have anxiety anyway! So this is a no brainer. Vitamin K2? I have heard this too and think it's mainly hype from K@ supplement companies but that is my own personal opinion. I eat Gouda cheese which at least has some Vitamin K2. Remember, you can get Vitamin D from the sun anyway, so why would you NEED Vitamin K2 in supplements or there is danger?

11-13-2014, 08:13 PM
Thanks for all that.

True, our mental state does have a lot to do with anxiety. But see for me I never ever really felt this way before until recently, upon which I think my low vitamin D levels triggered something and it makes complete sense to me considering my homebody lifestyle. As I said I already feel SO much better, and I think, at least if I believe this thing will cure me, it's possible that my own mental state will change to reflect that and I will be in a sense "cured." I've been wondering if there is a link between also people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder, and their vitamin D levels maybe reaching a lower, depression triggering point because it's becoming, winter, they stay inside more, and don't keep their vitamin D at a minimum level as it would be when they go out in warmer weather. Just something I'm interested in looking into cuz I know for me I just fell into a huge depression. Still in it, but slowly coming out of it with set backs but that's expected.

When it gets warmer I plan to get back out in the sun. Unfortunately for me, winter has just started! Lol.

Oh my, I can't ever seem to figure out this magnesium thing. I bought the oxide first, only to realize that's not the best utilized, then I buy the cheleated and only afterward realize that it's part oxide and only a little bit chealated. Might as well just buy some epsom salts and call it a day! I just bought the K2 for peace of mind off many other's recommendations and comments. I don't plan to really use it much once I get my levels back up.

11-14-2014, 01:41 AM
Hi Confused panic:

This is the third year that I have been cured of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks by elevating the level of vitamin D3 in my body.

You can read about my personal experiences at the below link, which is also my thread at anxiety forum.
Some of your questions about magnesium will be answered at this thread, also.


Best wishes,

11-14-2014, 07:43 AM
Thanks for all that.

True, our mental state does have a lot to do with anxiety. But see for me I never ever really felt this way before until recently, upon which I think my low vitamin D levels triggered something and it makes complete sense to me considering my homebody lifestyle. As I said I already feel SO much better, and I think, at least if I believe this thing will cure me, it's possible that my own mental state will change to reflect that and I will be in a sense "cured." I've been wondering if there is a link between also people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder, and their vitamin D levels maybe reaching a lower, depression triggering point because it's becoming, winter, they stay inside more, and don't keep their vitamin D at a minimum level as it would be when they go out in warmer weather. Just something I'm interested in looking into cuz I know for me I just fell into a huge depression. Still in it, but slowly coming out of it with set backs but that's expected.

When it gets warmer I plan to get back out in the sun. Unfortunately for me, winter has just started! Lol.

Oh my, I can't ever seem to figure out this magnesium thing. I bought the oxide first, only to realize that's not the best utilized, then I buy the cheleated and only afterward realize that it's part oxide and only a little bit chealated. Might as well just buy some epsom salts and call it a day! I just bought the K2 for peace of mind off many other's recommendations and comments. I don't plan to really use it much once I get my levels back up.

I've read some not good things about certain K2s. Forgot which one but some people said it was overstimulating. Remember, humans naturally get Vitamin D from the sun anyway. Gouda cheese from Europe has K2. Is it a high enough dose? I don't know. Get Magnesium Glycinate on iherb.com.

But Vitamin D is not about heat. A lot of people don't understand this. It is the angle of the sun. In very Northern regions at 5 PM in the summer if it is very hot, you are getting almost no Vitamin D. I have a theory the reason people are white in the north is because it takes black people longer to get Vitamin D. So people turned lighter skin color to get quicker Vitamin D in climates where it was hard to get.

Read this:
"Except during the summer months, the skin makes little if any vitamin D from the sun at latitudes above 37 degrees north (in the United States, the shaded region in the map) or below 37 degrees south of the equator. People who live in these areas are at relatively greater risk for vitamin D deficiency."

11-14-2014, 07:45 AM
Hi Confused panic:

This is the third year that I have been cured of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks by elevating the level of vitamin D3 in my body.

You can read about my personal experiences at the below link, which is also my thread at anxiety forum.
Some of your questions about magnesium will be answered at this thread, also.


Best wishes,

So you did nothing to get rid of anxiety but take Vitamin D? How much did you take and how long did it take until you noticed a difference? What were you Vitamin D levels tested when you were finally cured? Great stuff!

11-14-2014, 08:01 AM
I don't eat cheese or any animal products as a vegan, so that's also why I'm supplementing k2 a little bit cuz I know it's natural found more in animal product foods. The brand I have those is actually gotten off fermented soybeans or something like that, and they remove the soybean allergen, which is great for me!

That's very interesting!! That's an interesting theory o.o Always plausible thoughts.

I actually heard about the vitamin D cure from Damavandi from a post from long ago or something and looked more into it, and it seemed to work for quite a few others too.

11-14-2014, 02:03 PM
Hi PanicCured:

My Vitamin D level was at 25 nmol/L (10 ng/ml) when deficiency was noticed first.
I received a 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D3, initially. After 48 hours, I woke up
noticing that the depression was gone. I got one injection monthly for about 6 months.
Panic disappeared before the second injection. When I tested for the second time,
my D level was around 40 ng/ml. I am on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3 now. I try to maintain my
level at 80% to 90% of whatever the D3 (25-OH) test scale may be. I test every 2-3 months.

It all has been explained in my thread at the above link. Please read it, and do not hesitate to ask me any questions you my have.
My anxiety at a mild level lasted for about six months after the initial injection. My main concern (anxiety) was that it all may be a dream, and the return to the former position is possible. My confidence grew stronger, and eventually, all cocern about returning to hell, vanished.

I have read some of your threads, and I noticed that you value natural remedies. I do value these remedies, also. To be honest, before discovering vitamin D3's effects, they were life savers for me at times. I know of a few very expensive ones that really are effective. Brewing saffron and drinking the brew is one of them. The dosage must be carefully measured, otherwise, it will have
the effects of laughing gas, and will be toxic at high levels. The 2nd one is cold pressed corriander seed oil. Do not take any more than 0.5 ml of it per day, and not any more than one week. The 3rd one is 100% pure and natural first phase rose oil, which costs about $ 5000 per pound at wholesale. One drop of it is enough, and that drop is approximately the distillate of 70 damask rose buds.

Best regards,

11-14-2014, 07:12 PM
Hi PanicCured:
I received a 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D3, initially. After 48 hours, I woke up
noticing that the depression was gone.

That is for everyone who is scared they will overdose on Vitamin D! Of course, normally, you can only do that by a doctor every few months. But 3000-5000 IU is what we are talking about here as a supplement dosage. It gets stored in fat cells, so that is how people in Northern climates traditionally would get it in the winter from the sun, that was stored from the summer.

My opinion is like I always say, anxiety is caused by a crashed or debilitated overly sensitive nervous system. This can be caused by many factors. Vitamin D is used in so many biological properties, and since people do not get sun and when they do they lather on buckets of sunscreen, how can Vitamin D deficiency not be a factor? The better you feel the better you can do the mental healing and vise versa. You could have easily identified with your anxiety and continued to live your life like that even after the Vitamin D injections helped you but you forced yourself to live a normal life and retrained your brain. Great work!

What is your maintenance dosage now and what level were you at last check up?

11-14-2014, 07:19 PM
Wow, thanks for that vitamin info. i had no idea???

11-14-2014, 10:35 PM
Hi PanicCured:

My maintenance dose of vitamin D3 is one 50,000 IU D3 softgel every 3rd week.
My last lab result was around 80 ng/ml in a scale of 1 to 100.

Thanks for your comments.

11-15-2014, 06:14 AM
Wow, thanks for that vitamin info. i had no idea???

Me neither just a week ago!! You can thank damavandi as I found out about it through them and then searched around a bit and saw that it seemed to be a cure for quite a number of people. I have a friend who has bad anxiety and panic attacks and he told me he also has low vitamin D levels. In addition to other practices to manage anxiety getting your vitamin D levels up can only HELP you. If getting my levels up really works for me, I for sure will be touting this as a method of cure or managing for some people. As noted, I already feel better, still panicky upon waking sometimes, and for the past two days I have been feeling rather irritable of no accord of my own, but I think that's just the PMS talking ;D