View Full Version : Dizzy, Lightheaded, Fainting

11-11-2014, 01:02 PM
Hello, I was wondering if anyone suffers from this. I was working out and from nowhere everything start to close up and I felt like I was going to faint and out of balance, I got a huge anxiety attack I run myself out of the gym n drove home to relax, since that day I been feeling more worry while the days past by, I alreadt got blood work and ct scan done, but I still feel anxioous and dixxy specially when I coach volleyball to people, does feelings are making wnt to quit, I dont know how to stop worrying so much and over thinking all the time!!!? Any advice ?

11-11-2014, 03:17 PM
There's only 2 way out: CBT and/or an antidepressant combined with a benzo, or better yet, Sequel 25 mg. CBT is a lot of work but worth it. Do you have access to a psychiatrist? They are better than GPs at prescribing medication for anxiety. Oh and if you feel alone well, you're not. I suffer from dizziness since last spring, DAILY! But I didn't start my antidepressant/Seroquel combo yet since I had first to withdraw from Zyprexa(from a false bipolar diagnosis) which is pure hell by itself. In fact, while I'm writing this I'M dizzy... I KNOW your feelings, believe me!