View Full Version : do you ever get anxiety over seeing faces?

11-10-2014, 04:35 PM
hi everyone. i'm sorry if this is creepy but i was wondering if anyone else deals with this kind of thing?

okay so i used to love horror movies and stuff. i mean they'd creep me out a little but i could get over them easily, within a day probably. now that i deal with anxiety, i don't want to watch horror stuff anymore because i'm scared i'll see ghosts and stuff. i guess that's normal because a lot of people get scared over horror movies but yeah. i hate anxiety because it's now made me scared of things i used to love to do. i can't even go to the movie theater without feeling nervous anymore :(

but the main thing i'm asking is do you guys ever get paranoid of seeing faces? like i've noticed recently that i get anxiety over things like yawning and having to close my eyes because when i reopen them i'll see a scary face. and of course that makes me more paranoid and gets me all stiff and on edge. i become sensitive to noises in my house and such. it's really annoying but i can't help it.

anyone else have anxiety problems like this?

11-10-2014, 05:15 PM
I used to love scary movies too, but now i hate to watch them. For me, I get anxious when I'm in a pitch black room, and I tend to think of some scary shit. I have come to the realization that I tend to scare myself because I repress a lot of my anxiety. Do you feel the same way? I've also realized that meditating can help a lot, especially before bed. It helps you focus your energy on more positive things, which can reduce your chances of feeling frightened.

11-10-2014, 06:04 PM
When we suffer from anxiety the brain conjures up all manner of scary thoughts.

It's not very nice. Your brain knows what will scare you and scare you it will.

We all get it to a degree. Faces potentially mean danger so it makes sense if you see them everywhere. We learn to see faces before anything else so it's something that's very ingrained.

Try not to focus on the fear,but more on the reality of what you're really seeing. That may help.


11-10-2014, 06:08 PM
i'm honestly the same. i know that it's just me scaring myself with my own thoughts. i could say i tend to repress my anxiety too. and that sounds good, thanks for the advice!

11-10-2014, 06:09 PM
thank you, ryker, for the advice! it helps :)

11-11-2014, 07:11 PM
I too used to love scary movies. .. used to watch them all ... i have not seen one tho in about 6 years. .. I notice that I'll see scary faces right before I'm about to fall asleep. .. it makes my heart jump out of my chest and then I will be up all night. .. I haven't watched a scary movie in years though so I think for me it's bc i always am over thinking everything where I get myself so nervous which might cause the scary faces... but it's a very scary thing when it happens.

11-12-2014, 02:33 AM
Limiting my exposure to emotionally 'expensive' activities has been key for me.

Horror films and even extreme thrillers are an expensive drain on my resources that I need to have available to spend elsewhere.

We need emotional strength to deal with many things and we only have a certain quota available to us.

Spend it wisely.