View Full Version : Health fear: could I have MRSA or a staph infection? (pictures)

Jess Watkins
11-10-2014, 01:38 PM
Okay, so a few nights ago I noticed my backside was itchy. I looked at it and found several small red pimple-like bumps scattered here and there on my bottom. I looked it up online because I was curious (and who has red bumps on their butt?) and one of the answers I found suggested MRSA. I looked up pictures of MRSA and started panicking and felt like throwing up. My bumps look very similar to the beginning stages of MRSA.



I asked my sister and she said it didn't look like MRSA--but just because the bumps havent grown bigger or have pus doesn't mean it's not MRSA or an infection because that is how it starts--it looks like a harmless little zit. Everyone in my family knows I am a major hypochondriac and it is hard to get them to listen to my concerns when it comes to my health (because I am always talking about it!). I have sunk ship and decided to ask people online instead. What do you think? Should I go see a doctor and have these bumps checked out? Also how can I know if I have MRSA?

11-10-2014, 02:36 PM
Okay, so a few nights ago I noticed my backside was itchy. I looked at it and found several small red pimple-like bumps scattered here and there on my bottom. I looked it up online because I was curious (and who has red bumps on their butt?) and one of the answers I found suggested MRSA. I looked up pictures of MRSA and started panicking and felt like throwing up. My bumps look very similar to the beginning stages of MRSA.



I asked my sister and she said it didn't look like MRSA--but just because the bumps havent grown bigger or have pus doesn't mean it's not MRSA or an infection because that is how it starts--it looks like a harmless little zit. Everyone in my family knows I am a major hypochondriac and it is hard to get them to listen to my concerns when it comes to my health (because I am always talking about it!). I have sunk ship and decided to ask people online instead. What do you think? Should I go see a doctor and have these bumps checked out? Also how can I know if I have MRSA?

I dont think it is MRSA. Could be from sweat...irratated skin...etc. Give it a couple of days

11-10-2014, 03:02 PM
Okay, so a few nights ago I noticed my backside was itchy. I looked at it and found several small red pimple-like bumps scattered here and there on my bottom. I looked it up online because I was curious (and who has red bumps on their butt?) and one of the answers I found suggested MRSA. I looked up pictures of MRSA and started panicking and felt like throwing up. My bumps look very similar to the beginning stages of MRSA.



I asked my sister and she said it didn't look like MRSA--but just because the bumps havent grown bigger or have pus doesn't mean it's not MRSA or an infection because that is how it starts--it looks like a harmless little zit. Everyone in my family knows I am a major hypochondriac and it is hard to get them to listen to my concerns when it comes to my health (because I am always talking about it!). I have sunk ship and decided to ask people online instead. What do you think? Should I go see a doctor and have these bumps checked out? Also how can I know if I have MRSA?

Read my reply to you in your other thread. The skin reflects the emotions. I told you in the other thread what you need to deal with, once you take the steps and work on yourself, allowing buried emotions to surface (for the purpose of releasing and healing), the skin and the thoughts will clear as quickly as they arrived.

Unfortunately if you do not work on the self, as I suggested, youll be in for years of external issues. And that is a warning, yes. You still don't get it. In the past several months you've been scared shitless, you've had emotional shocks to your psyche in comparison to a nuclear war with you on the frontline. Because of this your consciousness shifted instantly. Do you get it? What do you do with these horrific pictures stored in your mind of death and despair?

And remember, this was family trauma as well, so your dad and brother are repressing and burying their own pain. But, work on yourself first, then you can offer the appropriate help.

11-10-2014, 03:14 PM
As a bottom specialist I can confirm what this is is a "spotty bottom".

If that's MRSA, I'm actually the Pope.

But you know this (not the Pope bit) , because you know you're not thinking rationally about your condition. You know, if you're totally honest with yourself, that this is nothing to worry about.

We get these conflicting voices in our heads and you've got to decide which one to run with. You know the one screaming "it's MRSA" is false, you know listening to it is making you anxious, you know that your anxiety makes it feel more real and you know that it's making you miserable.

Or, you can listen to your logical voice that is going to tell you that you have hypochondria and that you need to do nothing more than look after yourself.

You're in charge, not the voices or the ideas. Pick one, just like you pick your favourite football team, or your politics or your favourite band.

By all means, keep the spot photos, watch out for anything causing irritation, put the Krispy Kremes down, drink plenty of water, wait a few days, and then check again. If the spots are gone then take another photo, pin them both on your bedroom wall, and write yourself a note telling yourself that you were just overreacting and that you knew you were overreacting all along. If, however, your backside is the size of a bus, bright red all over and weeping puss - then it was MRSA, and I'm the Pope.

11-10-2014, 03:16 PM
As a bottom specialist I can confirm what this is is a "spotty bottom".

If that's MRSA, I'm actually the Pope.

But you know this (not the Pope bit) , because you know you're not thinking rationally about your condition. You know, if you're totally honest with yourself, that this is nothing to worry about.

We get these conflicting voices in our heads and you've got to decide which one to run with. You know the one screaming "it's MRSA" is false, you know listening to it is making you anxious, you know that your anxiety makes it feel more real and you know that it's making you miserable.

Or, you can listen to your logical voice that is going to tell you that you have hypochondria and that you need to do nothing more than look after yourself.

You're in charge, not the voices or the ideas. Pick one, just like you pick your favourite football team, or your politics or your favourite band.

My all means, keep the spot photos, watch out for anything causing irritation, put the Krispy Kremes down, drink plenty of water, wait a few days, and then check again. If the spots are gone then take another photo, pin them both on your bedroom wall, and write yourself a note telling yourself that you were just overreacting and that you knew you were overreacting all along. If, however, your backside is the size of a bus, bright red all over and weeping puss - then it was MRSA, and I'm the Pope.

I didn't need your help on this one. You need to tell when my messages are strong, perhaps read them, and stay clear.

Mr Watkins issues are not physical.

11-10-2014, 03:21 PM
I didn't need your help on this one. You need to tell when my messages are strong, perhaps read them, and stay clear.

You "didn't need my help on this one?" and you think I should "Stay clear"


11-10-2014, 03:39 PM
You "didn't need my help on this one?" and you think I should "Stay clear"


The OP's issues are not physical, and for that matter neither are yours. Now you cannot close off the voice in your head as irrational or believe one thought over the other, the only permanent change is to alter the belief behind the voice. Which is work you have yet to face, thus the reason we have met here to begin with.

You do enjoy your lessons, when you give them.

End of replies to this thread. I bring the OP back to his other thread, to take note.

11-10-2014, 03:42 PM
The OP's issues are not physical, and for that matter neither are yours. Now you cannot close off the voice in your head as irrational or believe one thought over the other, the only permanent change is to alter the belief behind the voice. Which is work you have yet to face, thus the reason we have met here to begin with.

You do enjoy your lessons, when you give them.

End of replies to this thread. I bring the OP back to his other thread, to take note.

I didn't realise this was your personal forum Im-Suffering, I do apologise.