View Full Version : Anxiety stress of been on final warning at work

11-10-2014, 07:45 AM
Hi :), a bit of background information is I am 25 and up until last year I was so chilled out and never even slightly worried by anything. Then last summer I had a few weeks of anxiety and panic attacks over worrying about a health scare. With CBT and beta blockers to help slow my heart I go over it and was fine until this April. Altough I feel that experience has made me more prone to anxiety as I notice things now that I wouldn't of before.

I work 12 hour shifts in a job that gets me down sometimes and this year on a few occasions I have felt on edge about going in with racing heart, tight chest and shaking a bit etc but once I am actually there I feel fine. I have been there 6 year now and always wanted to leave on my own terms for something better after putting in so much. I am close to joining the forces just got to stick my job out for a couple more months.

But last week I got a final written warning for absence/ lateness and it has me on edge as the thought of getting sacked after 6 year when I am so close to getting out on my own terms really gets me chewed up. I do 12 hour nights which are hard going and the thought of them this week has me on edge now which then causes me to worry that I am going to miss a shift And get sacked. I am determined not to have a shift off again no matter how tired or ill I get but feel like I am under pressure! Was thinking about getting some beta blockers to take as and when I need just to help calm me if I feel on edge as like i say when I'm actually at work I feel relaxed and know that I am going to complete the shift is a relief. It's more the thought of going to work on my days off that cause me to feel chewed up

And if I was off again with stress or anxiety causing lack of sleep would I have no rights if I was sacked
Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated
