View Full Version : Had an MRI scan today---"Oh my Gosh!!!"

11-08-2014, 08:40 PM
Those scans are sooooo noisy and dont allow one to hardly even move to breath. My arms were burning and I thought I was gonna come out with 2nd degree sunburns on the part of my arms that were hot. It took a half hour for me in that noisy machine. Was quite anxiety producing. I treated myself to junk food at Walgreens after . They have a bunch of post Halloween candy on sale too. So then I didn't feel so bad. I actually didn't purchase Halloween candy . I got chilli chips, peppermint white Hershey's Candy, and some boring cracker cookie that I donated to our house cookie jar. I didn't have an all out binge, just some comfort foods to help me feel better and up my low blood sugar so I could drive back home in the dark, after all that was over and done with...

11-09-2014, 03:55 AM
What was the MRI scan for/ Did you get the results back immediately from the Dr? Always good to reward yourself after going through a difficult time.


11-09-2014, 03:55 PM
Thatz witty. Meditation can be dangerous if taken too seriously and one stops eating and drinking , ha?