View Full Version : Suffer from panic attacks i get severely dizzy and get faint feeling :/

11-07-2014, 09:12 PM

I was wondering if anyone else feels like this. I get really dizzy sometimes.. Especially today I started a new job. It's Jc Penny so it's quite busy and stressful.. So as soon as I walked in I felt immediately light headed and floaty feeling, as well as faint and fearing id pass out .. lasted for about an hour then got better little by little .. I'd just like to know if anyone goes through the same ?? What do you do to stop it or make it better ? Thank you I really need to keep this job ;(

11-07-2014, 11:35 PM
Hi , congratulations on the new job.

The dizzying feeling is just a symptom of anxiety. Starting a new job is about as stressful as it gets. After a while it'll get better as you get used to the surroundings and people and get used to the new situation.

In the meanwhile:

Understand that the dizziness is caused by stress. When you feel that first buzz of strange feeling take action on the things casing the stress immediately. Just stopping for a second to totally relax can halt the escalation in its tracks.
If you feel that first sign and allow yourself to worry then that WILL create more stress and the anxiety and dizziness WILL. Get worse!

Practice feeling the fear and relaxing it away again over and over until you're boss at it. When you can do that you're fixed.

11-08-2014, 03:59 AM
Stress can do that to people. I get some of the same symptoms when I'm stressed (such as when I'm in a crowded place). To me, it sounds like your stress is being caused by doing something new (your job). If it continues and doesn't stop, see a doctor.

11-08-2014, 11:53 AM
Yes its very normal, and it used to totally freak me out, but now when it happens I just remind myself that Ive never passed out from it. I get mad and tell the attack to just bring it on and get it over with-works at home, but not sure how it would be at work

11-08-2014, 02:30 PM
Thank you for all your replies guys ;) and yes I have only passed out once from that feeling of dizziness and I really think that's because I was looking directly at the needle as the doctor was taking my blood lol .. Out of all the other times I haven't passed out but I always think back to that one time I did and run with it .. It hits me most when I'm in the car because I'm so nervous thinking oh no what if I pass out and get into a car accident .. My mind then races I get floaty and it's like I'm driving in a dream state .. It's pretty Scary I just wish it would stop .. Iv lost most of my jobs calling in because I'm scared to drive fearing I might pass out .. I really want to beat this .. :/

11-08-2014, 02:44 PM
You can beat it if that's what you want.

If you want a hand putting some practice together -just shout.

11-08-2014, 03:17 PM
Ryker what has worked for you ?

11-08-2014, 03:32 PM
I made myself a proper plan and just worked at it.

You have to break an activity down into a bunch of steps and work through them. When you can do step 1 without anxiety move on to 2 and so on. Practice, practice, practice.

If you want it, you can do it.

11-08-2014, 03:43 PM
My biggest fear is passing out or fainting while in the car ... How can I work on that ?

11-08-2014, 04:40 PM
My biggest fear is passing out or fainting while in the car ... How can I work on that ?

It's quite easy. Basically it's done by being in the car and not passing out or fainting. I know that sounds too obvious but that's basically it.

First. learn to relax. properly. do it at home in a safe place. practice until you're good at it, so there's zero tension in any muscle.
you then take tiny steps towards driving towards a distant place. At each step you need to be trying to relax. So relax at home. put your coat on, relax. pick up your keys and imagine driving, relax, stand outside the front door, relax, lock the door behind you, relax etc.

It may take days, it may take weeks but don't move on to the next step until you can do the previous one easily, and relaxed.

basically, take yourself to where you feel that tension starting to build, relax through it, and be prepared to stay uncomfortable until it passes, then go home, smile and know you've done a good job.

I was the guy stood crying in a supermarket doorway every night for a week before I could step inside. But I did it. Now I don't even think about it - I actually look forward to it.

There's no hurry, but just keep pushing yourself to be able to relax and breath through the tension and anxiety at each step.

11-09-2014, 06:03 AM
Something I meant to add:

If ( when! ) you start to feel the panic remember it's YOU who is deliberately causing it by pushing yourself a little further than last time. You're expecting it, you're in control and you KNOW that it's nothing to worry about. It's not something out of the blue, it's not the unknown, it's not the end of the world and it's completely different to a panic that hits you without your permission.

By teaching your body that you're prepared to feel it and know you can cope with it, it will stop it becoming a big deal and your brain will simply stop bothering in future.

Constantly reassure yourself that you're OK and don't dwell on the fear but on the fact that the panic you're feeling is now your medicine that will make you better. The best medicine does taste a bit nasty. Just breathe through it, employ that relaxation technique. As soon as you're relaxed again, turn around and go home and treat yourself to whatever it is you want to reward yourself with.

Just keep moving forward through your plan. It doesn't matter how fast but don't allow yourself to stall or go backwards.

11-10-2014, 09:07 AM
Hi ashley. Just want to let you know you are not alone. I get that same feeling quite a lot. I'd get spacey feelings, hot flushes, and dizzy a lot. Has been happening for the past year, but it gradually got worse until I started having full blown panic attacks and had trouble leaving my room. This fear of falling over or passing out in the car I have too! If it helps you any, more doctor recently prescribed me zanax and zoloft (for the depression that came with it) and they may be able to help you in managing this feeling. The zanax takes a few weeks to work but it's supposed to calm you.

I have had some success in reading a lot of the sticky advice and just facing the panic attacks, telling myself to just keep walking and that nothing bad is going to happen. It helps for sure, but it's still a work in progress. These things are so strange really. I used to be such a go getter, always wanted to go out save the world, whatever, and now it's like something is telling me that I shouldn't or gives me a feeling that something is wrong if I do. Ahh life. I'm literally just doing most of the things the stickies say to get through it. Chamomile tea is not so bad!

11-10-2014, 10:13 AM
hey I have hit full blown panic attacks. I was able to control it for 20 yrs without meds. Usually when hypochondriac like myself if you read articles, symptons etc. Most recently my heart has begun speeding rapidly on more than 4 times. I feel have hard time leaving my apartment. I was dumb enough to read articles on heart attack so as silly as it sounds i started getting random chest discomfort, heartburn and weirdness in my arm. I ended up in ER on thursday, but I did an chest xray, heart ultrasound, ekg and blood work and all Negative I should be jumping in joy, but than the attacks start up. But some sweet advice from people on here is making it somewhat better daily.
You are not alone... we experience random spells from day to day bases. I guess when we are stuck with these nasty diseases. I felt depressed until i realized that I am better situation compared to others out there. But my mind says one thing, but my heart says different.