View Full Version : After work today i ate too much for dinner almost tripped walking afterwards...

11-07-2014, 08:17 PM
Felt very stressed out after work. So I ate a huge dinner of rice and chicken and veggies and then had 1/2 a roast beef gourmet sandwich. I don't usually eat like that. then I went for a walk and during my deep thoughts as I was walking I almost tripped and fell into the side of the curved sidewalk. I felt very clumsy, more so than the usual. I had an adult aspirin and 2 tall glasses of diluted water and juice when I got home and feel better now. I still haven't had my period, stress and exercise delaying it 3 weeks. I am very flustered over this. I haven't lost any weight either?

11-07-2014, 08:28 PM
Did you eat anything during the day?

Still, carb attacks can be rough.