View Full Version : Not sure what this is?

11-07-2014, 01:23 PM
Hello all. I could really use some help here. First of all, I have been to a doctor once. It took a long time to even get that far. But unfortunately I haven't been back yet for many reasons. From my first meet she said that it was apparent I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. I know how those feel all too well. She told me her other concerns, but nothing sounded like this.

This is very hard to explain, so sorry in advance. I've searched my symptoms online and the only thing that sounded similar was depersonalization/derealization. I have no idea what these truly are, so this is just a guess.

I do feel foggy/like I'm in a dream and I feel like I'm in slow motion just walking around. This happens to me for awhile at a time, but comes and goes. As weird as that is, it's not the thing I'm most worried about. What I've been experiencing is way worse. I'd just be out somewhere and all of a sudden I'd be freaking out. Literally shaking and not able to move from where I am. I know when I feel foggy/etc I really know that it's just a feeling and I'm not really in a dream, but when these happen, I can't tell. While shaking, I honestly can't determine what is real and what is going on with me. I feel like everything around me is fake and nothing is real. My head is spinning and racing and I feel like I'm trapped in my head. This one lasted for at least 5 minutes and I don't even know how I snapped out of it. I also realized afterwards that I dug my nails into my sides. I didn't notice until I saw all the blood. It was weird. It didn't hurt until after it happened.

Once again this is really hard to explain, so I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. I'd just like to know how serious this is and what not. I will be going back to the doctor eventually. I can't drive so it's hard to schedule, haha. Thanks for reading.

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I just spent a good hour reading through tons of threads on the forum. I can't seem to find anything similar to what I'm experiencing. I read about many people questioning life/the universe and such. I can relate to all of those odd feelings and anxiety that come with that. That's way easier to deal with for me.

I'm just really questioning if what I'm experiencing is really just an anxiety attack. It happens out of nowhere. During this I literally feel like I don't belong in my body. Nothing is real and that people don't really exist.. I can't move and I sit there shaking, head is racing. I don't even know what I'm waiting for! Like, the only way I feel as if I can get out of it to be knocked out...which I try to do, I guess. But like I said, apparently dig my nails into my skin, ending up bleeding everywhere. This just happened to me again last night, so I'm really on edge. It keeps lasting longer and longer each time and it's scaring me. Just thinking about it now is making me extremely nervous, so nervous I'm shaking as I type this. Whenever I feel as if it's about it happen again, I have to literally yell at myself out loud to think about something else and have to hit my face with my hands...sounds weird I know. But the pain distracts me.

I don't know what I'm looking for here. I guess if anyone is experiencing this too?

11-07-2014, 01:38 PM
Hello all. I could really use some help here. First of all, I have been to a doctor once. It took a long time to even get that far. But unfortunately I haven't been back yet for many reasons. From my first meet she said that it was apparent I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. I know how those feel all too well. She told me her other concerns, but nothing sounded like this.

This is very hard to explain, so sorry in advance. I've searched my symptoms online and the only thing that sounded similar was depersonalization/derealization. I have no idea what these truly are, so this is just a guess.

I do feel foggy/like I'm in a dream and I feel like I'm in slow motion just walking around. This happens to me for awhile at a time, but comes and goes. As weird as that is, it's not the thing I'm most worried about. What I've been experiencing is way worse. I'd just be out somewhere and all of a sudden I'd be freaking out. Literally shaking and not able to move from where I am. I know when I feel foggy/etc I really know that it's just a feeling and I'm not really in a dream, but when these happen, I can't tell. While shaking, I honestly can't determine what is real and what is going on with me. I feel like everything around me is fake and nothing is real. My head is spinning and racing and I feel like I'm trapped in my head. This one lasted for at least 5 minutes and I don't even know how I snapped out of it. I also realized afterwards that I dug my nails into my sides. I didn't notice until I saw all the blood. It was weird. It didn't hurt until after it happened.

Once again this is really hard to explain, so I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. I'd just like to know how serious this is and what not. I will be going back to the doctor eventually. I can't drive so it's hard to schedule, haha. Thanks so reading.


While I think it is important not to diagnose ourselves, the one thing I have not seen mentioned on the forum is Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders. Please don't get freaked out : ) There are different levels of it from mild - to extreme. Something to talk to a doctor that is knowledgeable on the subject would be best. Could just be a anxiety attack..but it does need to be addressed.

11-07-2014, 01:44 PM
Hi, and welcome.

It may be hard to explain and describe to a person who's never experienced anxiety or a panic attack, but I'm afraid it's not difficult to explain here!

As far as I'm concerned, you're normal. There's nothing you've described that I couldn't have written myself.

It's a bit of work to sort yourself out but if you're prepared to work at it there's no reason why you can't function perfectly normally and get about just like one of those boring, miserable and uninteresting 'normal' folk.

I couldn't go out of the house at one point. Next week I'm in a front-row seat at the O2 watching the tennis with 15500 other people and I'm looking forward to it. Agoraphobia shmagoraphobia.


11-07-2014, 04:44 PM
Thanks for the replies. I just spent a good hour reading through tons of threads on the forum. I can't seem to find anything similar to what I'm experiencing. I read about many people questioning life/the universe and such. I can relate to all of those odd feelings and anxiety that come with that. That's way easier to deal with for me.

I'm just really questioning if what I'm experiencing is really just an anxiety attack. It happens out of nowhere. During this I literally feel like I don't belong in my body. Nothing is real and that people don't really exist.. I can't move and I sit there shaking, head is racing. I don't even know what I'm waiting for! Like, the only way I feel as if I can get out of it to be knocked out...which I try to do, I guess. But like I said, apparently dig my nails into my skin, ending up bleeding everywhere. This just happened to me again last night, so I'm really on edge. It keeps lasting longer and longer each time and it's scaring me. Just thinking about it now is making me extremely nervous, so nervous I'm shaking as I type this. Whenever I feel as if it's about it happen again, I have to literally yell at myself out loud to think about something else and have to hit my face with my hands...sounds weird I know. But the pain distracts me.

I don't know what I'm looking for here. I guess if anyone is experiencing this too?

11-07-2014, 05:05 PM
Sometimes I feel that I'm a different height or size. Sometimes I feel smaller than 'normal' and other times 'larger'

I know that I'm staying the same size really.

Your experiences are no different. Until you accept that they're false perceptions caused by stress and anxiety you'll get nowhere.

11-07-2014, 05:23 PM
When I'm stressed I get what I can only describe as earache in my legs.

If I can't find anyone else in the world who experiences the same ? What should I do?

I'm not going to start worrying about it.

It's just one of the many stupid feelings that anxiety causes.

If I'm in a busy public place and im startled or someone talks to me unexpectedly, the earache in the legs can be so severe my legs give way.

It's really quite comical. You've got to love anxiety it makes life so much more exciting.

11-07-2014, 06:59 PM
yes-all this sounds normal for someone with panic attacks. Every person is different-but its very scary. Not that I would wish it upon anyone else, but it is nice knowing other people understan

11-07-2014, 09:32 PM
Yes when I start panicking I do feel like I'm in a bubble or as if I'm unreal or even floating I heard it's due to the lack of breathing you have during a panic attack..