View Full Version : existential anxiety

11-07-2014, 11:51 AM
I don't really know if that's what this is but I'll describe to you how I've been feeling lately. Lately I've been dwelling on thoughts about life. Not just my life, but life in general. What is it really? What's the objective? Who am I and why am I here? Most of my anxiety stems from questions that cannot be answered. Fear of the unknown I'd guess you'd call it. Like how did we get here and where will I go (if anywhere) after I die? Death completely terrifies me. I do not have a religion per se, mostly because I truly just can't. I have no faith, I don't know if there is a god and neither do you. Know one does. It's purely down to faith and believing, and one thing about me is that I can't believe in something if it can't be proved. I wish that I could believe that one day I will die and go to heaven I would feel such relief. But for now I'm just a ball of anxiety contemplating the meaning of life and my existence and what's real and what's not and it's truly draining the life and happiness out of me. I want to worry about things like work and school, not this. Please help.

11-07-2014, 01:44 PM
I don't really know if that's what this is but I'll describe to you how I've been feeling lately. Lately I've been dwelling on thoughts about life. Not just my life, but life in general. What is it really? What's the objective? Who am I and why am I here? Most of my anxiety stems from questions that cannot be answered. Fear of the unknown I'd guess you'd call it. Like how did we get here and where will I go (if anywhere) after I die? Death completely terrifies me. I do not have a religion per se, mostly because I truly just can't. I have no faith, I don't know if there is a god and neither do you. Know one does. It's purely down to faith and believing, and one thing about me is that I can't believe in something if it can't be proved. I wish that I could believe that one day I will die and go to heaven I would feel such relief. But for now I'm just a ball of anxiety contemplating the meaning of life and my existence and what's real and what's not and it's truly draining the life and happiness out of me. I want to worry about things like work and school, not this. Please help.

How long have you felt like this?

11-07-2014, 01:55 PM
I don't really know if that's what this is but I'll describe to you how I've been feeling lately. Lately I've been dwelling on thoughts about life. Not just my life, but life in general. What is it really? What's the objective? Who am I and why am I here? Most of my anxiety stems from questions that cannot be answered. Fear of the unknown I'd guess you'd call it. Like how did we get here and where will I go (if anywhere) after I die? Death completely terrifies me. I do not have a religion per se, mostly because I truly just can't. I have no faith, I don't know if there is a god and neither do you. Know one does. It's purely down to faith and believing, and one thing about me is that I can't believe in something if it can't be proved. I wish that I could believe that one day I will die and go to heaven I would feel such relief. But for now I'm just a ball of anxiety contemplating the meaning of life and my existence and what's real and what's not and it's truly draining the life and happiness out of me. I want to worry about things like work and school, not this. Please help.

Spirituality is not meant as an escape, but a compliment. You must face your problems and work them out. Turn toward work and school, and worry about that.

11-08-2014, 02:52 PM
I don't really know if that's what this is but I'll describe to you how I've been feeling lately. Lately I've been dwelling on thoughts about life. Not just my life, but life in general. What is it really? What's the objective? Who am I and why am I here? Most of my anxiety stems from questions that cannot be answered. Fear of the unknown I'd guess you'd call it. Like how did we get here and where will I go (if anywhere) after I die? Death completely terrifies me. I do not have a religion per se, mostly because I truly just can't. I have no faith, I don't know if there is a god and neither do you. Know one does. It's purely down to faith and believing, and one thing about me is that I can't believe in something if it can't be proved. I wish that I could believe that one day I will die and go to heaven I would feel such relief. But for now I'm just a ball of anxiety contemplating the meaning of life and my existence and what's real and what's not and it's truly draining the life and happiness out of me. I want to worry about things like work and school, not this. Please help.

I think about these questions all the time , and enjoy it ! Different people think differently I suppose . How do you start thinking about these questions ?

jon mike
11-10-2014, 12:25 AM
I don't really know if that's what this is but I'll describe to you how I've been feeling lately. Lately I've been dwelling on thoughts about life. Not just my life, but life in general. What is it really? What's the objective? Who am I and why am I here? Most of my anxiety stems from questions that cannot be answered. Fear of the unknown I'd guess you'd call it. Like how did we get here and where will I go (if anywhere) after I die? Death completely terrifies me. I do not have a religion per se, mostly because I truly just can't. I have no faith, I don't know if there is a god and neither do you. Know one does. It's purely down to faith and believing, and one thing about me is that I can't believe in something if it can't be proved. I wish that I could believe that one day I will die and go to heaven I would feel such relief. But for now I'm just a ball of anxiety contemplating the meaning of life and my existence and what's real and what's not and it's truly draining the life and happiness out of me. I want to worry about things like work and school, not this. Please help.

hi, contemplating your existence is not what is causing your anxiety, find out what is causing that first, religion is also a choice, a choice that i do not chose for many reasons, if you are at school and are already contemplating your own existence then consider yourself very lucky that
your eyes are wide open to the world, many people dont experience that all through their lives.
science is also a route that many people take over religion, the 2 conflict with each other on a daily basis, you sound like a science type to me :-) good luck

11-10-2014, 01:13 AM
I always see existential questions as a crash as the thought-train hits the buffers. It's far more reasonable to say "Nope. Don't know, and we're almost certain to never know, so let's worry about things we CAN work on."

11-10-2014, 12:17 PM
I think about these questions all the time , and enjoy it ! Different people think differently I suppose . How do you start thinking about these questions ?

I will just start randomly thinking thoughts like that and it'll turn into a while big existential crisis. I hate that, I've always has these thoughts but never coupled with anxiety.

11-10-2014, 12:20 PM
hi, contemplating your existence is not what is causing your anxiety, find out what is causing that first, religion is also a choice, a choice that i do not chose for many reasons, if you are at school and are already contemplating your own existence then consider yourself very lucky that
your eyes are wide open to the world, many people dont experience that all through their lives.
science is also a route that many people take over religion, the 2 conflict with each other on a daily basis, you sound like a science type to me :-) good luck

I've always kinda leaned more toward science. I've never really believed in a religion and I may just be over thinking and freaking myself out.

11-10-2014, 12:21 PM
I always see existential questions as a crash as the thought-train hits the buffers. It's far more reasonable to say "Nope. Don't know, and we're almost certain to never know, so let's worry about things we CAN work on."

It really is. I think the reason they cause me so much anxiety is because I can't have an answer and I really just never will. The unknown just really scares me.

11-10-2014, 01:12 PM
It really is. I think the reason they cause me so much anxiety is because I can't have an answer and I really just never will. The unknown just really scares me.

I bet there are more things you don't know that don't scare you than the other way around.

I like the unknown, it's what drives me. There are so many things in the world and the universe to learn about and discover, I can't imagine or even contemplate a world where there is no 'unknown'.