View Full Version : I think I've read

11-06-2014, 07:08 AM
many post that mentioning about fake memory. Can anyone explain about it?

11-06-2014, 07:40 AM
All memories are 'fake'.

The process of memory is reconstructive. All you can do is re-assimilate associations made between different objects, places, smells, sounds and reconstruct something that is pleasing to your mind at the time you are doing the remembering.

We had a demonstration in the fresher's week at university when I did my psychology degree. At the beginning of the welcome lecture the lecturer invited a man onto the stage to introduce him (there were 2 separate lectures) either as the new caretaker or the new university chancellor. He was dressed identically in both appearances and said the same things and made the same movements.

The group that thought they'd seen the chancellor subsequently remembered him being an average of 10 years younger and 6 inches taller than when he was the 'caretaker'.

There are also many well documented cases of 'gaslighting' and of falsely influenced bystander testimonies and of memory being dependent on the context and mental state of the rememberer at the time of remembering.

The only thing to remember about memory .... you can't rely on it!

11-06-2014, 07:58 AM
All memories are 'fake'.

The process of memory is reconstructive. All you can do is re-assimilate associations made between different objects, places, smells, sounds and reconstruct something that is pleasing to your mind at the time you are doing the remembering.

We had a demonstration in the fresher's week at university when I did my psychology degree. At the beginning of the welcome lecture the lecturer invited a man onto the stage to introduce him (there were 2 separate lectures) either as the new caretaker or the new university chancellor. He was dressed identically in both appearances and said the same things and made the same movements.

The group that thought they'd seen the chancellor subsequently remembered him being an average of 10 years younger and 6 inches taller than when he was the 'caretaker'.

There are also many well documented cases of 'gaslighting' and of falsely influenced bystander testimonies and of memory being dependent on the context and mental state of the rememberer at the time of remembering.

The only thing to remember about memory .... you can't rely on it!

That's how it works! Thank you so much. ^_^