View Full Version : Anxiety over possible new puppy

11-05-2014, 05:11 AM
Hi. I'm new here but it seems like I won't sound like I'm a crazy girl if I post about my issues. Currently I have a bulldog (2 years) and I want a second one, a puppy. One minute I'm ok with getting one and then when it starts to become a reality I start having anxiety attacks. I'm sure it is because I'm afraid of how it will change our daily routine, but how do I get over this and. to let this control what I really want? We are empty nesters so there aren't any kids at home so I'm not really sure why I seem to freak out about this. Any thoughts?

11-05-2014, 06:05 AM
Hi. I'm new here but it seems like I won't sound like I'm a crazy girl if I post about my issues. Currently I have a bulldog (2 years) and I want a second one, a puppy. One minute I'm ok with getting one and then when it starts to become a reality I start having anxiety attacks. I'm sure it is because I'm afraid of how it will change our daily routine, but how do I get over this and. to let this control what I really want? We are empty nesters so there aren't any kids at home so I'm not really sure why I seem to freak out about this. Any thoughts?

In certain terms a puppy will help rejuvenate you, at least mentally first which has an overall springboard effect both psychologically and physically. The new life could bring joy to your hearts, you see, and your attracted to that. In a sense the puppy will help you to feel youthful, and useful. And there lies the issue, the conflicting feelings felt as anxiety. The adoption must be a team effort, realizing the dog will enhance your relationship with your spouse and not diminish it. You might feel guilt because at this time in your lives you want to give attention to your relationship, where you feel a puppy could restrict that, and so there are emotions to deal with.

Are you up for the task, the added responsibilities, to an extent some restrictions apply, but on the other hand much can be gained. In the end, this puppy is symbolic for you, of life, rebirth, love, youth, and good for your health. It would be good for the other dog too, to have a companion, and in those terms giving you more freedom, not less.

The giving and receiving of love is all that ever matters, you see. You will do what's in your heart. Love indeed and a passion, keep you alive. So keep the fire burning.

Also know that your youth is not dependent on any outside experience. Youth is a feeling, period. You may worry that without new life, family, you will age quickly, fearing old age. In that case, you would need pup after pup to keep you young. Age is a transition, a change, its of no matter what you do, its always "what will I be?" Like the seasons, each a different expression of beauty, so is your life.

Blessings on your journey