View Full Version : Aaaaand it's back!

11-04-2014, 06:07 PM
Hey guys

So its almost winter now and guess whos knocking at the door: mr. Derealization!

Not gonna lie, I'm struggling. I have lost all motivation, I no longer want to struggle. I'm having a problem - I can't accept the fact that I'll maybe have to struggle with this my whole life. It's a scary thought.

It's getting better and I can at least control it and not let it go to a full-blown panic attack. I know alot about dr/dp, but one thing I don't know: how long will this last? Can it be there forever?

11-04-2014, 06:35 PM
Proffesor the Real welcome back, and f**** it :))

11-04-2014, 06:35 PM
Mine is back too!!!! But I thought of this!!


Give this a shot? Something to steer our minds and our thoughts???

11-04-2014, 08:45 PM
Proffesor the Real welcome back, and f**** it :))

I think f**** it ) is highly effective in therapeutic value. Works for me

11-05-2014, 04:18 AM
I think f**** it ) is highly effective in therapeutic value. Works for me

Hi JustaGal and all on this thread, Im
sorry that you recognise that the dp is back..but great that you are aware of this, thats always step one of recovery.
Here is what I found useful for my mental wellbeing.
I'm an artist and a few years ago I read”the Artist Way” by Julia Cameron. In the book she suggests that everyday we should just write 3 pages of writing/scribbling just documenting on the gibberish that our inner voice is talking about. I'm not advocating that you buy the book, but what I found when my 3 pages of writing are up somehow often miraculously I got this calmness and clarity of what really is going on in my life, in my inner relationship with myself and others close to me.

I used to religiously do this exercise and wrote my writing/scribbles about anything and everything. There is no rules in this exercise...I was writing about what annoyed me the day before and what I felt about the tasks of the day...but at night I was dreaming amazing insightful things and would get revelations during the day about things. I even “manifested” clarity to find out my boyfriend was cheating on me. Miraculous coincidences happened for me to find out this truth. Hard as it was at the time, I know this daily writing journalling helping me reach this truth. I was empowered and so grateful that clarity was entering my space again and I could get rid of dead wood from my life and move forward.

Although the book is written for artists/writers, I think that exercise is great for everyone. I know that I am often overloaded with emotion and my over-active thoughts exhaust me and actually distract me from my real journey of self discovery and empowerment.

So thanks ...you have just reminded me to carry on with this daily clearance to declutter my mind and get to the calm. Let me know if you try it and the implications it has had. The writing is recommended for early in the day, she calls them the morning pages.

11-05-2014, 09:18 AM
Hi JustaGal and all on this thread, Im
sorry that you recognise that the dp is back..but great that you are aware of this, thats always step one of recovery.
Here is what I found useful for my mental wellbeing.
I'm an artist and a few years ago I read”the Artist Way” by Julia Cameron. In the book she suggests that everyday we should just write 3 pages of writing/scribbling just documenting on the gibberish that our inner voice is talking about. I'm not advocating that you buy the book, but what I found when my 3 pages of writing are up somehow often miraculously I got this calmness and clarity of what really is going on in my life, in my inner relationship with myself and others close to me.

I used to religiously do this exercise and wrote my writing/scribbles about anything and everything. There is no rules in this exercise...I was writing about what annoyed me the day before and what I felt about the tasks of the day...but at night I was dreaming amazing insightful things and would get revelations during the day about things. I even “manifested” clarity to find out my boyfriend was cheating on me. Miraculous coincidences happened for me to find out this truth. Hard as it was at the time, I know this daily writing journalling helping me reach this truth. I was empowered and so grateful that clarity was entering my space again and I could get rid of dead wood from my life and move forward.

Although the book is written for artists/writers, I think that exercise is great for everyone. I know that I am often overloaded with emotion and my over-active thoughts exhaust me and actually distract me from my real journey of self discovery and empowerment.

So thanks ...you have just reminded me to carry on with this daily clearance to declutter my mind and get to the calm. Let me know if you try it and the implications it has had. The writing is recommended for early in the day, she calls them the morning pages.

Hi Erin,

I bought that book as a gift for someone many years ago! I have not read it, but I look forward to doing your suggestion. It sounds powerful! I know even just doing a task list eases my mind and puts things in perspective, how much more the deeper things that are there floating around my mind.

11-05-2014, 10:03 AM
On a medical note, your concerns seem to line up with seasonal affective disorder, with winter being the troubled season. In fact, most people feel down around this time because the days are shorter and we're not getting as much sunlight. An excellent treatment might be light therapy, or a melatonin supplement. Good luck!
- Dr. Dan

11-05-2014, 10:07 AM
I always get up early to do my morning exercise to get an hours worth of sunlight. It really makes a big difference. But exercising out in the cold does mean lots of layers are needed. It's hard sometimes making the effort when you have anxiety as it seems to drain your enthusiasm and drive to get things done.
