View Full Version : PTSD coming back as panic attacks

11-03-2014, 06:25 AM

My first post here and I'm looking for some advice as I dont really have anyone to talk too and I'm scared my panic attacks have skewed my thinking.

I was diagnosed with PTSD around five years ago.I was in quite a state then. Nightmares, panic attacks that I can only describe as sheer terror and insomnia. I also developed OCD which showed as compulsive thoughts and counting in my head amongst other things. I lost my job of 20 odd years. But after counselling and medication I got better and returned to work. First part time and then full time for two years.

As my partner isn't well I moved jobs last year. On the whole I love it. It's a good job. However...

Basically one of the directors at work hates me. Dont know why, just seems to have taken a dislike to me and is never off my back for silly little things. I haven't had any dealings with him so dont know why he doesn't like me but he goes out his way to make my life miserable. It isn't a work issue, I've spoken to senior staff and no one has a problem with my work. But over the last fortnight my partner was in hospital and he seems to have gone out his way to pick on me. He knows this and I get the feeling he's daring me to walk. He didn't want me taken on as I've been very honest about my mental health history and I suspect he thinks he can goad me into leaving. He's probably right.

It's being going on for weeks and I had a bit of a breakdown over the weekend at the thought of going in so I've phoned in sick. My panic attacks have been so bad and I haven't really slept for a week. Doctor cant see me til later in the week but has left me a prescription to ease the panic attacks til then.

He's very senior in a large company so isn't going anywhere, he also heads up HR!

I guess my options are leave, try stick it out while looking for something else or go off sick and try to think a bit more rationally when I've calmed down.

I'm terrified of being back in that place I was five years ago... and dont want to go back there.

Is there any way of heading this off or am I on a slippery slope while I remain working there? How do people cope with recurrences? I've been rather silly in thinking that it wouldn't be an issue again as I was doing so well.

11-03-2014, 09:19 AM

My first post here and I'm looking for some advice as I dont really have anyone to talk too and I'm scared my panic attacks have skewed my thinking.

I was diagnosed with PTSD around five years ago.I was in quite a state then. Nightmares, panic attacks that I can only describe as sheer terror and insomnia. I also developed OCD which showed as compulsive thoughts and counting in my head amongst other things. I lost my job of 20 odd years. But after counselling and medication I got better and returned to work. First part time and then full time for two years.

As my partner isn't well I moved jobs last year. On the whole I love it. It's a good job. However...

Basically one of the directors at work hates me. Dont know why, just seems to have taken a dislike to me and is never off my back for silly little things. I haven't had any dealings with him so dont know why he doesn't like me but he goes out his way to make my life miserable. It isn't a work issue, I've spoken to senior staff and no one has a problem with my work. But over the last fortnight my partner was in hospital and he seems to have gone out his way to pick on me. He knows this and I get the feeling he's daring me to walk. He didn't want me taken on as I've been very honest about my mental health history and I suspect he thinks he can goad me into leaving. He's probably right.

It's being going on for weeks and I had a bit of a breakdown over the weekend at the thought of going in so I've phoned in sick. My panic attacks have been so bad and I haven't really slept for a week. Doctor cant see me til later in the week but has left me a prescription to ease the panic attacks til then.

He's very senior in a large company so isn't going anywhere, he also heads up HR!

I guess my options are leave, try stick it out while looking for something else or go off sick and try to think a bit more rationally when I've calmed down.

I'm terrified of being back in that place I was five years ago... and dont want to go back there.

Is there any way of heading this off or am I on a slippery slope while I remain working there? How do people cope with recurrences? I've been rather silly in thinking that it wouldn't be an issue again as I was doing so well.

Get your self into a labor law protective position immediately. Technically you have a mental disability. These are things to consider.

document everything - doctor visits - talks with the supervisor
Consider getting yourself on modified duty - even if it is 35 hours a week because of your condition and your partners

Get something in your HR file asap stating your condition

If the HR guy is smart he will stop harassing you because he will have serious repercussions for harassing someone with a disability. Of course you need a doctor to document that you are disabled, or at least get doctor visits into your HR file because then technically it is a "perceived disability". You must beat him to the punch on this before he starts documenting your performance. Become educated on labor law for your state. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!!! Do it asap, with out fear. No reason to panic on this. : )
Next week is to long to see the doctor. Take yourself to ER or urgent care - get a note to take to work for the file (then later bring in your diagnosis). This is a broad over view - of course you have to use your own common sense for the situation.

I was a HR manager when the company tried to do shady things with me. They settled out of court. So I do have experience on the subject.


11-03-2014, 12:54 PM
Justagirl, Nailed it on the head. First you need to protect your rights. It sounds like you are being stepped on for certain non work related.

Secondly, you should not look back at how you dont want to be, you should be looking at how far you have come and how much you have overcome! Be proud and work on your skills that you have developed in the last couple of years. You have overcome some of your stresses, you have controlled yourself to go back to work! It is great that you are moving along so well! So dont worry about why you are feeling a certain way you should develop what you have been so strongly working on!

Laslty, if the job is not working out....no one says you have to stay there, keep looking forward for more opportunities!