View Full Version : Health anxiety. (Convinced myself I have thyroid cancer).

11-02-2014, 12:32 PM
Hello. I'm an 18 year old female from Australia. I'm an anxious, emotional wreck. I have multiple symptoms that are leading me to believe I have thyroid cancer. I spend my days and nights endlessly reading stories about thyroid cancer, scaring myself sh*tless. (Pardon my French!)

To start out, I've never had my thyroid tested. But, I have PCOS, so I don't get my periods often. When I do, I develop a feeling of 'something being stuck in my throat'. It comes and goes with hormonal fluctuations. This feeling can last WEEKS. When I press down in the middle of my throat, I can feel a lump that feels like cartilage. I feel pain in my collar bone which is really, really scaring me. A lot. I am also a heavy smoker which *probably* doesn't help. -.-

The 'pain' evenutally branches up into my mouth, salivary glands and lymph nodes but completely goes away once my period is gone.
Symptoms I have:
*After touching the boney cartilage in the middle of my neck (nodule?) I feel light headed.
*Pain in collar bone. I can't feel any lumps, but, then again, I'm obese.
*Feeling light headed.
*Depression and anxiety.
*Throat swelling when hormones fluctuate.
*Severe hormonal imbalance (testosterone dominant).
*Salivary gland hurts on 1 side (a symptom of a thyroid nodule). Jaw pain.
*Thyroid nodules indicate cancer in young women under 20.
*Thyroid cancer runs in my family. (My grandmother had thyroid cancer).

I don't know what to think, how to cope, or what to do. I have convinced myself that I have thyroid cancer. It's quite a common cancer that affects women of reproductive age (frightening). A woman I used to know was diagnosed with PCOS, and eventually went on to develop thyroid cancer. That sets off alarm bells for me. 1-5 people out of 1,000 develop thyca. Who's to say it couldn't happen to me?

My mother passed away in April and it makes this journey *that* much harder. I honestly don't think I can 'stay strong'. I miss my mum sooo much, especially during times like these. I feel very emotional and upset. I feel very alone and lonely. I just want a hug from my mum.

I am arranging an appointment with my doctor for sometime this week. I am petrified about going to the doctor. Absolutely petrified. :( The next time I post in here will be after my appointment with my doctor, and, I bet you, I'll have more evidence to back up my theory of having thyroid cancer. I'm really really scared about having an ultrasound. Very sorry for the rant, but I'm 'shaking in my boots'. The ache in my collar bone isn't going away and it's making me scared. I'd ask you to pray for me but I'm an atheist, you can tell I am grasping at straws. I just need a hug. Thanks for reading.

11-02-2014, 01:12 PM
Hi there,

Among plenty other things, anxiety can lead to what we call catastrophic thinking -irrationally convincing yourself that the situation is much worse than it really is. Your concern is probably because of this?

Have you ever had cancer before? Do you have a family history of cancer (anyone other than your grandmother?
Source: I am a psychiatrist resident

11-03-2014, 10:10 AM
Hello- Sounds like you have a lot going on right now that is worsening your anxiety, making it difficult to cope with. As with everyone on this forum, your anxiety is causing you to think irrationally about risk. You said yourself, only 1-5 out of a thousand people get it, but why not flip that statistic in your direction? That means 995/1000 times, you won't get it. Try to focus on that. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, that must be really hard :( I have noticed that when people in my life get die or sick, it makes me think something might happen to me. I'm glad you are going to the doctor, even though the waiting game will be difficult, it will alleviate your stress to hear from a medical professional that everything is okay (which there is a 99.5% chance it is). Hope you start to feel better soon :)


11-04-2014, 08:59 PM
Thanks for the replies! I went to the doctor today. I mentioned the swelling, he felt my neck and said "I see what you're talking about!"
He said that it didn't feel like the classical enlarged thyroid. He thinks it's the glands in my neck, lymph nodes. You can only imagine how freaked out I am now. That amplified my anxiety. I'm having an ultrasound on my neck within the next 2(!!!) weeks. I can't wait that frigging long! This is torture! :( I just want to crawl up into a bawl and cry.

11-04-2014, 10:22 PM
Thanks for the replies! I went to the doctor today. I mentioned the swelling, he felt my neck and said "I see what you're talking about!"
He said that it didn't feel like the classical enlarged thyroid. He thinks it's the glands in my neck, lymph nodes. You can only imagine how freaked out I am now. That amplified my anxiety. I'm having an ultrasound on my neck within the next 2(!!!) weeks. I can't wait that frigging long! This is torture! :( I just want to crawl up into a bawl and cry.

Hi there,

There is nothing worse that getting news like this. Just try your best to remain calm and keep doing all the things you'd normally do. Think positive. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to.
-Dr. Dan

11-05-2014, 03:46 AM
It's true what Luke said - that when people in our life die or get sick we think it will happen to us. My brother died in February and I've been convinced I will die soon as well lol.

I've got an underactive thyroid and a bit of swelling. I had an ultrasound and it isn't cancerous. From what I've read, cancer is pretty rare. I think with health anxiety you tend to Google until you find the worst case scenario. I try not to do it to myself anymore.

All the best :)

11-05-2014, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the replies! I went to the doctor today. I mentioned the swelling, he felt my neck and said "I see what you're talking about!"
He said that it didn't feel like the classical enlarged thyroid. He thinks it's the glands in my neck, lymph nodes. You can only imagine how freaked out I am now. That amplified my anxiety. I'm having an ultrasound on my neck within the next 2(!!!) weeks. I can't wait that frigging long! This is torture! :( I just want to crawl up into a bawl and cry.

Lymph nodes can be swollen for many reasons, and it doesn't have to be cancer, that is rare! As RealisticTrain pointed out, do not seek out doctor google, you will make yourself miserable. The doctor said it doesn't look like an enlarged thyroid, take that as a positive sign, and keep us updated.


11-11-2014, 09:32 PM
Hey guys. So I just got back from having my ultrasound done. The sonographer asked me "have you felt sick recently?" (I haven't). She asked me if the swelling in my neck was getting better, I didn't know. She asked me if I noticed the swelling or if someone else did. Then, she asked me if my swelling branched off into my collarbone (which it did). IT'S MY LYMPH NODES, SWOLLEN ON 1 SIDE OF MY NECK.. I'm going to need a biopsy, that's certain. I feel very, very scared. She said "I hope you find out what's wrong!" So basically getting the ultrasound was a waste of time -- my lymph nodes are enlarged - we knew that from the getgo. There's a real chance I could have cancer.

11-11-2014, 10:19 PM
Hey, I just Googled it (LOL) and it says the most common cause of swollen lymph nodes is infection.

When I got the swollen thyroid I thought it was cancer but it wasn't.

Hang in there :)

11-11-2014, 10:43 PM
Hey, I just Googled it (LOL) and it says the most common cause of swollen lymph nodes is infection.

When I got the swollen thyroid I thought it was cancer but it wasn't.

Hang in there :)

I haven't had a cold or flu in over 6 months. I've had swollen lymph nodes in my neck for over 2 months. I don't think it's my thyroid any more.

11-12-2014, 09:16 AM
Hi there,
I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I often get worried that my anxiety is a health related issue also. I've gone and had my doctors run lab test ets. and seems as if it's just anxiety! Some times I almost wish it were something else (not really) because then there would be a reason for these feelings!!! While I cannot be there to hug you, please know that you are not alone. WHat has helped me in the past is reading about anxiety and reading how others have the exact same fears as me... A lot of times it seems as if we are alone and everyone else is perfect and healthy and worry free. :( I am here to tell you, that I for one am with you..
it helps to remind myself that as well, because I have felt very alone lately.. like noone in this world is feeling the way I am feeling right now.. why me? We'll all get through this together, that is the benefit of these message boards.
Hang in there!!!

11-12-2014, 09:48 AM
Hey, that was a lovely reply Kelly. Very true too.

11-12-2014, 12:35 PM
Hello. I'm an 18 year old female from Australia. I'm an anxious, emotional wreck. I have multiple symptoms that are leading me to believe I have thyroid cancer. I spend my days and nights endlessly reading stories about thyroid cancer, scaring myself sh*tless. (Pardon my French!)

To start out, I've never had my thyroid tested. But, I have PCOS, so I don't get my periods often. When I do, I develop a feeling of 'something being stuck in my throat'. It comes and goes with hormonal fluctuations. This feeling can last WEEKS. When I press down in the middle of my throat, I can feel a lump that feels like cartilage. I feel pain in my collar bone which is really, really scaring me. A lot. I am also a heavy smoker which *probably* doesn't help. -.-

The 'pain' evenutally branches up into my mouth, salivary glands and lymph nodes but completely goes away once my period is gone.
Symptoms I have:
*After touching the boney cartilage in the middle of my neck (nodule?) I feel light headed.
*Pain in collar bone. I can't feel any lumps, but, then again, I'm obese.
*Feeling light headed.
*Depression and anxiety.
*Throat swelling when hormones fluctuate.
*Severe hormonal imbalance (testosterone dominant).
*Salivary gland hurts on 1 side (a symptom of a thyroid nodule). Jaw pain.
*Thyroid nodules indicate cancer in young women under 20.
*Thyroid cancer runs in my family. (My grandmother had thyroid cancer).

I don't know what to think, how to cope, or what to do. I have convinced myself that I have thyroid cancer. It's quite a common cancer that affects women of reproductive age (frightening). A woman I used to know was diagnosed with PCOS, and eventually went on to develop thyroid cancer. That sets off alarm bells for me. 1-5 people out of 1,000 develop thyca. Who's to say it couldn't happen to me?

My mother passed away in April and it makes this journey *that* much harder. I honestly don't think I can 'stay strong'. I miss my mum sooo much, especially during times like these. I feel very emotional and upset. I feel very alone and lonely. I just want a hug from my mum.

I am arranging an appointment with my doctor for sometime this week. I am petrified about going to the doctor. Absolutely petrified. :( The next time I post in here will be after my appointment with my doctor, and, I bet you, I'll have more evidence to back up my theory of having thyroid cancer. I'm really really scared about having an ultrasound. Very sorry for the rant, but I'm 'shaking in my boots'. The ache in my collar bone isn't going away and it's making me scared. I'd ask you to pray for me but I'm an atheist, you can tell I am grasping at straws. I just need a hug. Thanks for reading.

I'm sure your ok and won't get cancer. I suffer anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia. But I have no fear of cancer. My anxiety is worse.

People with cancer fear the cancer will get worse and they may die. They suffer physical pain.

People with anxiety are terrified of dying every day. The fear is like psychological pain its excruciating torture, but there is no morphine to help. People with anxiety can't enjoy life, a walk in the park or shopping for fear they will faint or go insane. A panic attack is pure torture and psychological pain, the equivalent to having your leg snapped in two.

People with cancer get lots of sympathy, people run marathons for them. Even their enemies become their friends. Government spends lots of money on cancer. With good current research the outlook for cancer patients is getting better all the time :)

People with anxiety are disliked and branded layabouts. Their Friends and relatives become their enemies, and their enemies get worse. Government will spend no money on therapy. The outlook for anxiety and panic victims is grim. Ineffective meds, long waiting lists for therapy.

Anxiety is worse :(

11-12-2014, 10:51 PM
Thank you everyone... so happy I found this place, I've been so worried within the past couple of weeks... my ultrasound results came back today:

Ultrasound of the neck demonstrates no evidence of a cervial mass lesion or enlarged cervical lymphadenopathy. There are a few prominent submental lymph nodes, the largest measuring 7mm in short axis diameter. They maintain normal fatty hilum and hilar vascularity, and may reflect a small reactive node. They are not enlarged by size criteria. No lesions are detected in the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck. Thyroid gland is homogeneous and non-enlarged. The submandibular and patriod salivary glands have a normal appearance.
Conclusion: There are a couple of small submental reactive lymph nodes, but no enlarged cervical lymphadenopathy. No cervical mass lesion detected on ultrasound.

Soooooo happy with these results, does this mean I am out of the woods?

11-13-2014, 08:07 AM
Thank you everyone... so happy I found this place, I've been so worried within the past couple of weeks... my ultrasound results came back today:

Ultrasound of the neck demonstrates no evidence of a cervial mass lesion or enlarged cervical lymphadenopathy. There are a few prominent submental lymph nodes, the largest measuring 7mm in short axis diameter. They maintain normal fatty hilum and hilar vascularity, and may reflect a small reactive node. They are not enlarged by size criteria. No lesions are detected in the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck. Thyroid gland is homogeneous and non-enlarged. The submandibular and patriod salivary glands have a normal appearance.
Conclusion: There are a couple of small submental reactive lymph nodes, but no enlarged cervical lymphadenopathy. No cervical mass lesion detected on ultrasound.

Soooooo happy with these results, does this mean I am out of the woods?


Without knowing too much about your medical history and solely basing it off these results, I would say that you are "out of the woods", at the very least in the short term. 7mm Submental lymph nodes are a bit larger than average, but are still within a normal, safe range. I would continue to get checkups from time to time and to let doctors know immediately if you start feeling prominent or painful lumps in your neck. As of now, you should not have to be concerned or anxious about this. Good luck.
- Dr. Dan