View Full Version : Clubbing anxiety?? Is it real?

11-02-2014, 01:39 AM
This is going to sound rather wierd. I have awful anxiety when I'm about to go clubbing. Like really bad palpitations, nerves and a feeling of dread. However I am fine with going to pubs and bars? I have no problem going outside, starting a new job or getting public transport (I don't like massive crowds though!!)

My boyfriend works as a artist manager for some djs which means he has to go to the clubs, I want to support my boyfriend but I just can't bring myself to go and feel such a failure.

I also get the same anxiety when meeting his friends. They always turn out to be lovely but I think I'm worried that they are going to pass judgement on me. My boyfriend says I fit right in once I've had a drink but I want to be able to deal with the two above issues without resorting to drinking.

Does anyone else have the same issue and how do you deal with it? Do I need to speak to my GP?

Thanks in advance

11-02-2014, 03:13 AM
It's called agoraphobia. ( comes from the Greek - "fear of the market") It's pretty natural, thinking about your evolutionary history, to be wary of people you don't know and situations where you're outside of your safe home territory. A nightclub is 'exciting' for some because of all the stresses and adrenalin it creates. For others that adrenaline and excitement is surplus to requirements

Knowing what's happening will allow you to relax and even expect, predict And deal with it.

Dont stress. Get to know the anxiety feeling really well, and learn to be in that situation while it subsidies. It's like stubbing your toe. It hurts, but you know you can wait a bit and it will go away. Anxiety is just the same, it's a natural response to external stimuli. Get to know it. Feel it, observe it, wait for it to go.


11-02-2014, 07:26 AM
I don't blame you for getting anxious about clubs - with all the noise and people and flashing lights they are a nightmare for anxious-type people. I used to dread going to them, although I hated pubs and bars as well. It's good that you don't want to rely on alcohol to deal with it (which is what I did).

All the best :)

11-02-2014, 10:28 AM
Hi guys

Thanks for the replys. I'm not sure how I can deal with my issues. I wouldn't know where to start. sounds dramatic but I'm scared of finding out why I get anxiety.

11-02-2014, 05:19 PM
Everybody has anxiety of some sort at some time. If you didn't you'd not have motivation to make the right decisions.

If you weren't anxious crossing roads or handling sharp objects you'd be removed from the gene pool pretty smartish. Anxiety is there to keep you alive. It's your subconscious's way of keeping your thinking conscious brain honest and focussed.

In some of us this reflex is very strong. And in noisy busy places our subconscious screams - danger! Strangers! Unknown situation! Alert! Woop! Nee naw! Nee naw!

Unfortunately your subconscious, the old reptilian brain, bless it, isn't very subtle or literate. It only has 4 instructions to pass on: shag it, kill it, eat it, run! And your conscious brain needs to do some translating.

When we get these outside stimuli and the reptile brain shouts "run!" It's easy to fill in the blanks and start thinking of the worst things that could be happening to us, that gets back to the old brain that shouts even louder, our body starts preparing to run or fight and so it goes around and around.

If you know this and can learn to step in and stop the cycle, you'll find you can get on top of it more easily than you think.