View Full Version : Update: Better Every Day

10-30-2014, 09:09 PM
I originally posted in the welcome section about my problems with anxiety, depression and a fond taste for alcohol.

The bad news is, I had sworn to quit drinking in my last post. I had started again soon after. The good news is, I hung it up again after a life-altering panic attack. I'm five and a half weeks bone dry.

I'm on Lexapro and Ativan (when needed). While I still have bad days, I believe every day is better.

On October 3rd, my son was born. The relief of a complication free pregnancy and delivery for my wife was a tidal wave. The last few weeks have been busy with visitors, diapers and peekaboo sessions.

I also started a new job recently. I lost my last one in February.

Again, every day is a new day. And again, there are still plenty of rough ones. But I'm happy and hopeful of my ability to manage those bad days.

Thanks for reading my little ditty here.

As always, any comments or complaints are welcome!


10-31-2014, 09:08 AM
I originally posted in the welcome section about my problems with anxiety, depression and a fond taste for alcohol.

The bad news is, I had sworn to quit drinking in my last post. I had started again soon after. The good news is, I hung it up again after a life-altering panic attack. I'm five and a half weeks bone dry.

I'm on Lexapro and Ativan (when needed). While I still have bad days, I believe every day is better.

On October 3rd, my son was born. The relief of a complication free pregnancy and delivery for my wife was a tidal wave. The last few weeks have been busy with visitors, diapers and peekaboo sessions.

I also started a new job recently. I lost my last one in February.

Again, every day is a new day. And again, there are still plenty of rough ones. But I'm happy and hopeful of my ability to manage those bad days.

Thanks for reading my little ditty here.

As always, any comments or complaints are welcome!


Congrats on your baby! I did read your original post and glad to hear you are feeling better! I am on Lexapro and Ativan as well. I have found that taking Buspar at night relaxes my insomnia, anyway...keep up the good work!

10-31-2014, 10:09 AM
Congrats on the kid! You may find that the "outward focus" that is required when you have a kid is helpful with anxiety. Of course having a baby comes with some stresses. But it also means you MUST function well and act responsibly so that you can be there for the kid. That sort of motivation can be helpful. I know when I was at my worst with anxiety, I said to myself "I would like to just stay in bed and succumb to this terrible feeling, but I have responsibilities to my family -- so, no matter how hard it is, I have to deal with my feelings, do my job, be there for my wife and kids, and not make my problem into their problem." Sometimes that sort of outward focus can help us find strength within us.

10-31-2014, 11:10 AM
Congratulations! :D

hang in there, bro. Your son needs you. May his life be full of peace and blessings.

10-31-2014, 08:33 PM
Thanks, friends. Got news today that I'll be starting a new position at work. One that I've worked very hard for. It's an amazing step up and a huge leap for my career.

I worry that my anxiety and panic attacks will rear its ugly head and make me less good at my job. But I feel more confident than ever that I have the tools (and the medicine) to work through it.

As I'm typing this, I'm feeling anxious. Tight chest, chest pain, hazy vision. I know I'll never shake these feelings 100%, and that's unsettling.

10-31-2014, 08:57 PM
You will find that you can have anxiety but at the same time meet your responsibilities. And that will make you feel ok because you will realize that although the anxiety is there, it won't defeat you.