View Full Version : Random Heart Palpitations... Help?

10-30-2014, 05:07 PM
Just a quicky... This is geting silly, its happening so much, just when im sitting there doing work, watching tele, just anything! Ill just get random heart palpitations... I was asking my science teacher (as you do LOL) and he said it might be that ill be doing something and without knowing im thinking about something that is worrying me and it will cause that. So he is going to give me a lesso on it which is nice of him! i was just wondering if anyone else gets this and what it might be? Any advice? They normally send me into a panic so idk? Havent been on the forum in a few months, hi to anyone who remembers me! :)

10-30-2014, 05:30 PM
Just a quicky... This is geting silly, its happening so much, just when im sitting there doing work, watching tele, just anything! Ill just get random heart palpitations... I was asking my science teacher (as you do LOL) and he said it might be that ill be doing something and without knowing im thinking about something that is worrying me and it will cause that. So he is going to give me a lesso on it which is nice of him! i was just wondering if anyone else gets this and what it might be? Any advice? They normally send me into a panic so idk? Havent been on the forum in a few months, hi to anyone who remembers me! :)


I get this very often, it's anxiety. You worry and panic about the anxiety, and the anxiety gets worse.
First step is to accept anxiety causes this (don't decide it's a medical problem, or even google it!), this you'll find will help the symptom dissipate.
Like anything anxiety related, approach it all with the same techniques, the techniques you've learnt. Meditation, changes in beliefs etc

Best wishes