View Full Version : Eye Vision Problems

07-06-2008, 01:42 PM
Hello everyone, im pretty new to this site, posted a few times. Ive been getting better with my worrying and anxiety attacks lately since i started taking meds, Celexa to be exact. But am still ave some weird vision problems. I get this sort of dizzyness feeling, where my eyes are out of focus, almost makes things look more dark then they really are. Like if you make yourself look out of focus, it happens like that without me even doing anything or having an attack. It stated happening when i had the attacks, but now im finding im having attacks because of them still being around after my anxiety has been going away. which makes me think i have eye problems or other brain problems.

Have any of you ever experienced this? It can last for quite a long time throughout the day, but happens more at night. Thanks.


07-06-2008, 06:19 PM
I have heard that people do have vision issues, but nothing to that extent. I don't mean to frighten you, but you may want to consult your doctor. It could be something not associated with anxiety, it could even be due to the medication.

regardless call your doc..better safe than sorry!

07-06-2008, 11:39 PM
When I started taking aropax quite a few years ago it did affect my vision for a long time to the point where i had my eyes tested. It might be the medication? but go to the doctor to make sure.

07-16-2008, 11:24 PM
Thanks guys, i ended up going to my doctor about it, and got my eyes checked. I had perfect vision, no problems at all. the doctor just thinks im hypersensitive to sight and other senses, which causes me to panic over it. the medication can distort your vision for a period of time at first to, which i hope will go away soon.