View Full Version : is this panic attack?

10-30-2014, 04:38 AM
I have a problem in some situation like meet some people ,
my eyelid twitch and my voice shake if I stay longer in that situation I start getting hard to breath.
I have this problem more than 10 years.
not sure what is this and how I can cure this?

Thank for your help

10-30-2014, 05:19 AM
It sounds like anxiety. A good way to reduce this is expose yourself to such situations more. your mind and body will become used to such situations and the stress/worries/panic will gradually subside.


10-30-2014, 01:02 PM
Yep, That's anxiety alright.

Ed's right I'm afraid.

Your mission, should you wish to accept it is to put yourself in that uncomfortable situation and stay there for as long as possible.

If you can put yourself in that situation and actually recover by relaxing through it while remaining exposed to the anxiety-causing situation then you're well on your way to being as close to 'cured' as you can get.

10-31-2014, 06:32 PM
I get the strange eye twitch too sometimes Iv suffered with anxiety for years and never put the two together and thought it would be from that until lately lot of people mentioned it lol. I get the twitch if I'm stressing about being in a new place and tired.

As for the other bits I get that too. Sometimes I push myself to stay in the situation longer than I think I can and it does decrease bt U have to remember nothing bad will happen to u hun.
Sometimes I push myself and I can't stay but every day is different. One day u may feel stronger than another but doesn't mean u have failed it's just Ur bodies way of dealing with things :) xx